Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Praise for Chinese Culture of Intelligence; Contents; List of Figures; Chapter 1 A Rediscovery of Heaven-Human Oneness; 1.1 The Threefold Significance; 1.1.1 Tiandi and Its Naturalistic Aspects; 1.1.2 Tiandao and Its Moralistic Expectations; 1.1.3 Tianxia and Its Cosmopolitan Ideal; 1.2 The Two-Dimensional Orientation; 1.2.1 The Humanization of Nature; 1.2.2 The Naturalization of Humanity; 1.3 A Pragmatic Alternative; Chapter 2 What Matters Behind Ecumenism?; 2.1 "All Under Heaven" and Its Historical Implementation; 2.2 Ecumenism as an Alternative.
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11.2 For Music: Xunzi's Positive Utilitarianism11.3 A Reconsideration of the Opposing Views; Chapter 12 A Critical Illumination of Poetic Styles; 12.1 The Literary Development: Form and Style; 12.1.1 The Institutional Factor; 12.1.2 The Fashion Impact; 12.1.3 The Political Element; 12.1.4 Group Dynamics; 12.1.5 Historico-Cultural Context; 12.1.6 Artistic Individuality; 12.2 Artistic Creation: Proper Inclusiveness and Holistic Vision; 12.3 Stylistic Paradigms: Naturalness, Gracefulness, and Elegance; 12.3.1 Naturalness as Beauty; 12.3.2 Gracefulness and Elegance.
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2.3 Harmonism as the Key DriveChapter 3 Harmonization Without Being Patternized; 3.1 The Meeting of East and West; 3.2 Harmony Versus Uniformity; 3.3 The Need of a New Philosophos Poiesis; Chapter 4 The Dao of Human Existence; 4.1 Frame of Reference: The Dao of Man, Heaven, and the Sage; 4.2 Pursuit of Sageliness: Practical and Sagely Wisdom; 4.3 Path to Freedom: Attitudes Toward Life and Death; Chapter 5 A Symbolic Way of Thinking Through Fables; 5.1 The Peng and Happy Excursion to the Infinite; 5.2 The Butterfly and Self-Emancipation.
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8.3 A Second Reflection and a Threefold Process StrategyChapter 9 A Transformational Creation of Pragmatic Reason; 9.1 The First Argument; 9.2 The Second Argument; 9.3 A Philosophical Alternative; 9.4 Li's Sui Generis World-Picture; Chapter 10 A Manifold Expectation of Poetry; 10.1 Poetry as a Special Social Discourse; 10.2 Poetry as a Unique Aesthetic Discourse; 10.2.1 Poetic Xing; 10.2.2 Poetic Guan; 10.2.3 Poetic Qun; 10.2.4 Poetic Yuan; 10.3 Poetry as a Particular Moral Discourse; Chapter 11 A Debate on the Function of Music; 11.1 Against Music: Mozi's Negative Utilitarianism.
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Chapter 6 Two Models of Cultivating Wisdom for a Good Life6.1 The Beauty Ladder; 6.2 The Mind-Heart Excursion; 6.3 Comparative Models of Cultivation; Chapter 7 Poetic Wisdom in Zen Enlightenment; 7.1 Revelation from Natural Scenes; 7.2 Natural Spontaneity as a Psychical Path; 7.3 A Poetic Way of Zen Enlightenment; 7.3.1 Gradual Enlightenment; 7.3.2 Sudden Enlightenment; 7.4 The Realm of Sūnyatā as Beauty; Chapter 8 A New Ideal and Transcultural Pursuit; 8.1 The Cultural Ideal and the Pagoda Allegory; 8.2 The Transcultural Pursuit and the Transformed Overman.
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With the rise of China in the 21st century, this book offers a trans-cultural and thematic study of key Chinese concepts which influence modern day Chinese thinking across the spheres of politics, economics and society. It reflects on the major schools of Chinese thought including Confucianism, Daoism and Zen Buddhism, providing a historical perspective on the ideological development of China in terms of the relationship between man and nature, social ethics, political governance, poetry education, aesthetic criticism and art theory. It also explores primary aspects of Chinese poetics and aesthetics with reference to the interaction between the endogenous theories and their western counterparts. Written by a leader in Chinese Aesthetics against the background of both globalization and glocalization at home and abroad, this is a key read for all those interested in the cultural, philosophical and aesthetic underpinnings of contemporary China.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Springer Nature
Stock Number
Chinese culture of intelligence.
International Standard Book Number
Cultural intelligence.
Ethnology-- China.
Cultural intelligence.
HISTORY-- Asia-- General.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.