2.1.4 Direct Sign on Midsagittal, Transcaudate and Transthalamic Coronal Sections2.1.5 Associated Intracranial Findings; 2.1.6 Associated Extracranial Findings; 2.1.7 Differential Diagnosis; 2.2 Partial Agenesis of Corpus Callosum; 2.2.1 Indirect Signs on Axial Sections; 2.2.2 Direct Signs on Midsagittal Section; 2.3 Other Callosal Abnormalities; 2.4 Septal Agenesis; Suggested Reading; 3: Anomalies of Ventral Induction: Holoprosencephaly; 3.1 Ultrasound Findings of HPE; 3.1.1 Alobar Holoprosencephaly; Differential Diagnosis; 3.1.2 Semilobar Holoprosencephaly
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3.1.3 Lobar HoloprosencephalyDifferential Diagnosis; 3.1.4 Middle Hemispheric Variant; 3.1.5 Common Findings in All Types of HPE; 3.1.6 Midline Facial Defects in HPE; 3.1.7 Associated Anomalies; Suggested Reading; 4: Malformations of Cortical Development; 4.1 Disorders of Neuronal Proliferation; 4.1.1 Microcephaly; 4.1.2 Macrocephaly; 4.2 Disorders of Neuronal Migration; 4.2.1 Classical Lissencephaly; 4.2.2 Cobblestone Complex; 4.2.3 Neuronal Heterotopia; 4.2.4 Hemimegalencephaly; 4.3 Disorders of Neuronal Organisation; 4.3.1 Tuberous Sclerosis; 4.3.2 Schizencephaly
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4.3.3 PolymicrogyriaSuggested Reading; 5: Anomalies of the Cerebellum; 5.1 Mega Cisterna Magna; 5.2 Blake's Pouch Cyst; 5.3 Vermian Hypoplasia; 5.4 Dandy-Walker Malformation; 5.5 Cerebellar Hypoplasia; 5.6 Rhombencephalosynapsis; 5.7 Joubert Syndrome and Related Cerebellar Disorders; Suggested Reading; 6: Anomalies of Dorsal Induction: Neural Tube Defects; 6.1 Anencephaly; 6.2 Iniencephaly; 6.3 Cephalocele; 6.3.1 Occipital Cephalocele; 6.3.2 Frontal Cephalocele; 6.3.3 Parietal Cephalocele; 6.3.4 Atretic Cephalocele; 6.4 Sonoanatomy of the Normal Spine; 6.4.1 Sagittal Section
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The Parasagittal Sections1.3 Sulcation and Gyration; 1.3.1 Classification of Sulci; Medial Hemispherical Group; Convexity Group; Inferior Group; Lateral Fissure; 1.3.2 Ultrasound Appearance and Evolution of Sulci and Lateral Fissure; Sulci; The Lateral Fissure; Suggested Reading; 2: Anomalies of Corpus Callosum and Septum Pellucidum; 2.1 Complete Agenesis of Corpus Callosum; 2.1.1 Indirect Signs in the Transventricular Axial Section; 2.1.2 Indirect Signs on Transcaudate Coronal Section; 2.1.3 Indirect Signs on the Midsagittal Section
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This book systematically covers the anatomy and pathology of the fetal brain and spine. It features a veritable treasure trove of ultrasound images illustrating every common finding, as well as rare lesions that are encountered in clinical practice. Wherever possible, it also includes 3D ultrasound and fetal MRI correlations.