Intro; Foreword; Preface; A Systems Approach to Language Pedagogy: Why This Book Now?; Language Pedagogy as a Human Activity System; Arranging Language Pedagogy for Communicative Purposes; Viewing Language Pedagogy from a Holistic Perspective; The Outline of This Volume; References; Contents; About the Editor and Contributors; Editor; Contributors; Toward Managing Language Pedagogy and Language Teaching Research; Introduction: Why We Need a Systems Approach; Language Pedagogy as a Human Activity System; Soft Systems Methodology
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Applying Soft Systems Methodology to Language Curriculum DevelopmentCurriculum Development at Kyoto University; The Problematic Situation; Developing an EAP Curriculum at the Undergraduate Level; Arranging Language Teaching Research for Collaboration with Five Ws and One H; Conclusion; References; Language Acquisition: A Systemic View from Cognitive Linguistics; Introduction: SSM, Complexity Theory, and Language Acquisition; Systems Views of Cognitive Linguistics: Constructions as Symbolic Continuums and Language as a Cognitive System; Language Acquisition and Usage-Based Model
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ConclusionReferences; Surveying the Landscape of Second Language Classroom Research; Terminology and Academic Writing Style in Flux; Systems Thinking and Systemic Analysis for Holistic Understanding; Sorting Out Key Terminology; What Is Research in Second Language Education?; What Is Teacher Research?; What Is Reflective Practice?; What Is Language Classroom Research?; Building the Model: How Do the Various Strands Connect?; Discussion; Conclusion: What Is the Picture for the Future?; References; A Soft Systems Approach to Lifelong Learning; Introduction: The Messiness of Education
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The Desirability and the Cultural Feasibility of Applying the Order of MeaningsThe Order of Meanings and the Seven Clause Types; The Order of Meanings and English Clauses; Taking Action: Utilizing the Order of Meanings to Teach Grammar; Toward Designing the Whole Picture of English Grammar; A Two-Dimensional Approach to Grammar: MAP Grammar; English Grammar Viewed in Two Dimensions; Teaching Auxiliaries, Tense, and Aspect; Conclusion; References; Vocabulary Teaching: A Systemic Perspective; Introduction; A Systemic Approach to Vocabulary Teaching; Vocabulary Teaching in a Broader System
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Usage-Based Acquisition of Word MeaningsUsage-Based Acquisition of Constructions; Compatibility of Usage-Based Model and Systems Thinking; Concluding Remarks; References; Teaching English Grammar for Communicative Purposes: A Systems Approach; Introduction: Grammar Instruction Viewed as Problematic; Learners Struggling with Grammar; Purposes of Grammar Instruction: Transformation Process Models; Building a Grammar-Instruction Model for Communicative Purposes; Starting with the English Clause Structure; Various Worldviews in Approaching English Clauses; The Order of Meanings: Five Ws and One H
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This volume represents the first attempt in the field of language pedagogy to apply a systems approach to issues in English language education. In the literature of language education, or more specifically, second or foreign language learning and teaching, each topic or issue has often been dealt with independently, and been treated as an isolated item. Taking grammar instruction as an example, grammatical items are often taught in a sequential, step-by-step manner; there has been no â#x80;road mapâ#x80;#x9D; in which the interrelations between the various items are demonstrated. This may be one factor that makes it more difficult for students to learn the language organically. The topics covered in this volume, including language acquisition, pedagogical grammar, and teacher collaboration, are viewed from a holistic perspective. In other words, language pedagogy is approached as a dynamic system of interrelations. In this way, â#x80;emergent propertiesâ#x80;#x9D; are expected to manifest. This book is recommended for anyone involved in language pedagogy, including researchers, teachers, and teacher trainers, as well as learners.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Springer Nature
Stock Number
Systems approach to language pedagogy.
International Standard Book Number
Cognitive grammar.
Language acquisition.
Language and languages-- Study and teaching.
Cognitive grammar.
Language acquisition.
Language and languages-- Study and teaching.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- Syntax.