Intro; Foreword I; Foreword II; Foreword III; Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 The Development of Nuclear Systems; 1.1.1 Basic Principles of Nuclear Energy Generation; 1.1.2 The Development of Nuclear Systems; 1.2 Brief Introduction to Advanced Nuclear Systems; 1.2.1 Advanced Fission Systems; 1.2.2 Fusion Systems; 1.2.3 Hybrid Nuclear Systems; 1.3 Neutronics Research Overview of Advanced Nuclear Systems; 1.3.1 Neutronics Characteristics; 1.3.2 Research Content; References; Neutronics Theories and Methodologies; 2 Steady-State Neutron Transport Theory and Simulation
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2.1 Neutron Transport Theory2.1.1 Interaction of Neutrons with Matter; 2.1.2 Foundation of Neutron Transport Theory; 2.2 Monte Carlo Computational Methods; 2.2.1 Basic Principles; 2.2.2 Estimation Methods for Physical Quantities; 2.2.3 Acceleration Methods; 2.3 Deterministic Computational Methods; 2.3.1 The Discrete Ordinates Method; 2.3.2 The Method of Characteristics; 2.3.3 The Spherical Harmonics Method; 2.3.4 Acceleration Methods; 2.4 MC and Deterministic Coupling Calculations; 2.4.1 Region Coupling Method; 2.4.2 Energy Coupling; 2.5 Transport Simulation Codes; 2.5.1 Monte Carlo Codes
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2.5.2 Deterministic CodesReferences; 3 Neutron Kinetics; 3.1 Physical Basis of Neutron Kinetics; 3.1.1 Basic Concepts; 3.1.2 Kinetic Equations; 3.2 Characteristics of Neutron Kinetics in Advanced Nuclear Systems; 3.3 Computational Methods for Kinetics Problems in Advanced Nuclear Systems; 3.3.1 Direct Numerical Method; 3.3.2 Modal Expansion Method; 3.3.3 Factorization Method; 3.4 Simulation Codes for Neutron Kinetics; References; 4 Neutron-Induced Transmutation; 4.1 Principles of Transmutation; 4.2 Nuclear Transmutation Process; 4.2.1 Burnup; 4.2.2 Nuclear Waste Transmutation
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4.2.3 Nuclear Fuel Breeding4.2.4 Material Activation; 4.3 In-core Fuel Management and Fuel Cycle; 4.3.1 Fission Fuel Management and Fuel Cycle; 4.3.2 Fusion Tritium Cycle; 4.4 Nuclear Transmutation Calculation; 4.4.1 Calculation Methods; 4.4.2 Simulation Codes; References; 5 Radiation Dosimetry and Biological Safety; 5.1 Radioactive Source and Nuclide Migration; 5.1.1 Radioactive Source Terms; 5.1.2 Radionuclide Migration in Nuclear Systems; 5.1.3 Radionuclide Migration in the Environment; 5.2 Radiation Dosimetry Calculations; 5.2.1 Dosimetric Quantities in Radiological Protection
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5.2.2 External Exposure Calculation5.2.3 Internal Exposure Calculation; 5.3 Biological Effects of Radiation; 5.3.1 Basic Principles; 5.3.2 Biological Effects of Neutrons; 5.3.3 Biological Effects of Fission Products; 5.3.4 Biological Effects of Neutron Activation Products; 5.3.5 Biological Effects of Tritium; References; 6 Material Neutron Irradiation Damage; 6.1 Mechanisms of Neutron Irradiation Damage; 6.1.1 Interactions Between Neutron and Materials; 6.1.2 Displacement Damage; 6.2 Effects of Neutron Irradiation on Material Microstructures; 6.2.1 Formation and Evolution of Point Defects
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This book provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to the neutronics of advanced nuclear systems, covering all key aspects, from the fundamental theories and methodologies to a wide range of advanced nuclear system designs and experiments. It is the first-ever book focusing on the neutronics of advanced nuclear systems in the world. Compared with traditional nuclear systems, advanced nuclear systems are characterized by more complex geometry and nuclear physics, and pose new challenges in terms of neutronics. Based on the achievements and experiences of the author and his team over the past few decades, the book focuses on the neutronics characteristics of advanced nuclear systems and introduces novel neutron transport methodologies for complex systems, high-fidelity calculation software for nuclear design and safety evaluation, and high-intensity neutron source and technologies for neutronics experiments. At the same time, it describes the development of various neutronics designs for advanced nuclear systems, including neutronics design for ITER, CLEAR and FDS series reactors. The book not only summarizes the progress and achievements of the author?s research work, but also highlights the latest advances and investigates the forefront of the field and the road ahead.