Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Chapter 1 Separating the Singer from the Song; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Property and Belonging; 1.3 Empirical Study; 1.4 Conclusion; References; Chapter 2 The Sinhala Commercial Music Industry and Its Development; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Emergence of Sinhala Music and the Sinhala Vocalist; 2.2.1 Buddhism and Sinhala Music; 2.2.2 Indian Musical Influence; 2.2.3 Colonisation and Sinhala Music; 2.2.4 The Era of the Talking Machine and the Birth of Professional Singers; 2.2.5 Sinhala Nationalist Drive
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2.3 Sinhala Commercial Music Industry and Its Contemporary Revenue Generation2.3.1 Live Musical Shows; 2.3.2 Music Recordings; 2.3.3 Sinhala Cinema and Singers; 2.3.4 Radio Broadcasts; 2.3.5 Television Broadcasts; 2.3.6 Digital Music Market: Ring In-Tones or Ring Back Tones (RBTs) and Streaming; 2.3.7 Other Modes of Income; 2.4 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3 The International Emergence of the Performers' Rights Regime; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Copyright and Its Subsidiary: The Performers' Neighbouring Right; 3.3 International Emergence of the Performers' Rights Regime
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3.3.1 Initiating International Performers' Rights Under the Rome Convention3.3.1.1 Tackling Technological Adversities Through the Implementation of the PRR Under Rome; Ensuring Authorial Supremacy Through the Implementation of the PRR Under Rome; The Capacity of the PRR Under Rome to Address Performers' Issues; 3.3.2 Performers' Rights Regime Under TRIPS; TRIPS Negotiations and the Ignorance Narrative; TRIPS Negotiations and the Coercive Narrative; TRIPS Negotiations and the Bargaining Narrative
Text of Note TRIPS Negotiations and the Self-Interest Narrative3.3.2.5 Performers' Rights and Limitations Under TRIPS; 3.4 Conclusion; References; Chapter 4 Development of International PRR and the Emergence of Sri Lankan National PRR; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The PRR Under WPPT; 4.3 The PRR Under the WIPO Beijing Treaty; 4.4 The Historical Emergence of the PRR in Sri Lanka; 4.4.1 Historical Protection of Performers in Britain and Its Impact on Ceylon; 4.4.2 The First National Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka; 4.4.3 Implementation of the PRR Within the National IP Law
Text of Note Combating Piracy and the PRR4.4.3.2 Ensuring Remuneration Through the National PRR; Preventing Cover Songs Through the National PRR; 4.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 Issues Faced by Contemporary Commercial Singers in Sri Lanka; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Cover Versions; 5.2.1 Cover Versions as Borrowing; 5.2.2 Cover Versions and Their Impact; 5.2.3 Practice of Cover Versions in Other Music Industries; Covering in the UK Music Industry; Covering in the US Music Industry; Covering in the Indian Music Industry
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This book explores whether global music copyright law and the performers' rights regime (PRR) have been able to improve the economic position of artists, as they were originally intended to. The author investigates whether this regime effectively addresses contemporary issues regarding royalty payments and cover songs in Sri Lankan music, drawing on the empirical findings of a case study she conducted on the Sinhala music industry. She finds that the PRR developed internationally and implemented in Sri Lanka is predicated on a particular view of the role of performers and their relationships with other actors in the music industry; although this view can be found in the USA, UK and India, it does not seem to reflect the established practices and relationships within Sri Lanka's contemporary music industry. While providing a socio-historical and legal analysis of these differing industrial settings and investigating the manner in which they impact the PRR's (in)ability to deliver improved economic security for Sinhala singers, the book also offers policymakers recommendations on how to supplement current national copyright law and the PRR in order to provide a secure economic position for music artists in Sri Lanka.
Performers' rights in Sri Lanka.
International Standard Book Number
Copyright-- Artistic performance-- Sri Lanka.
Copyright-- Performing rights-- Sri Lanka.
Music trade-- Sri Lanka.
Performing arts-- Law and legislation-- Sri Lanka.