renormalization, lattice gauge theory, the operator product expansion and quantum fields /
First Statement of Responsibility
editors: Belal E. Baaquie, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Kerson Huang, Massachusetts Insitutute of Technology, USA, Michael E. Peskin, Stanford University, USA, K.K. Phua, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Machine generated contents note: 1. Effective field theory, past and future / Steven Weinberg -- 2.A critical history of renormalization / Kerson Huang -- 3. Renormalization group theory, the epsilon expansion, and Ken Wilson as I knew him / Michael E. Fisher -- 4. Early memories of Ken / N.D. Mermin -- 5. Ken Wilson -- The early years / Roman Jackiw -- 6. Kenneth Wilson in Moscow / Alexander Polyakov -- 7. Wilson's renormalization group: A paradigmatic shift / Edouard Brezin -- 8. Kenneth Wilson -- renormalization and QCD / Franz Wegner -- 9. Lattice gauge theory and the large N reduction / Tohru Eguchi -- 10. The lattice gauge field Lagrangian and Hamiltonian / Belal E. Baaquie -- 11. Ken Wilson: Solving the strong interactions / Michael E. Peskin -- 12. Renormalization group approach to quantum Hamiltonian dynamics / Stanislaw D. Glazek -- 13. RG for non-relativistic fermions / R. Shankar -- 14. Gauge theories on the Coulomb branch / John H. Schwarz -- 15. Screening clouds and Majorana fermions / Domenico Giuliano -- 16. Kenneth Wilson and lattice QCD / Akira Ukawa -- 17. Skeleton graph expansion of critical exponents in "cultural revolution" years / Bailin Hao -- 18. Personal reflections on Kenneth Wilson at Princeton and Edinburgh / David Wallace -- 19. Ken Wilson -- A Tribute: Some recollections and a few thoughts on education / H.R. Krishnamurthy -- 20. Kenneth G. Wilson: Renormalized after-dinner anecdotes / Paul Ginsparg -- 21. My memory of Ken Wilson / Anthony Zee.