Intro; Foreword; And What, Stephen, Have You Wrought?; References; Contents; 1 The Possibilities forEducation inanEra ofSchooling; Understanding thePossibilities andPromises ofEducation; Education inanEra ofSchooling; Education inthe(Re)Making: Praxis, Practice andPractice Architectures; Understanding Being anEducator andPractising Education; Education, Sociality andIntersubjective Meaning Making; How Can We Know theDancer fromtheDance?; Overview oftheBook; Theme 1: Personal Recollections andReflections; Theme 2: Stephen's Influence onChapter Authors' Work.
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5 Evolution oftheAction Research Planners: Towards Critical Participatory Action ResearchHistorical Context-Deakin University Faculty ofEducation; Evolution ofContext: Conditions inSchools andSystems; The Action Research Planners Emerge; The First 'Series' ofPlanners (1979-1987); The Early Planners: Final Points; The Action Research Planner (1988); The Planner Third Edition: Final Points; The Action Research Planner (2014); Doing Critical Participatory Action Research; Participation; Legitimacy andValidity; Practice; Examples ofAction Research; AFestschrift forKemmis; References.
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6 Education, Work andLifeRationalization ofSociety, Industrial Revolutions andtheTurn toImmaterial Work; Cognitive Skills asTools ofProduction; The Challenges ofPolarization, Hybridization andPrecarization; What Is toBe Done? Research asPraxis; References; 7 Action Research andCommunicative Spaces; Conditions forEducational Development; Communicative Spaces Within theNordic Educational Tradition; Action Research andCommunicative Space; Creating Communicative Spaces fortheNordic Network forAction Research (NNAR); Action Research Practices inNordic Countries.
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The Practice Architectures ofEducational Action Research intheNordic CountriesConclusion; References; 8 Practitioner Research intheCompany ofOthers: Resistance intheFace ofNormalising Practice; Individualism andCollaboration inPractitioner Research; Standardising Practice; The Work ofPractitioner Research inResisting; Wisdom ofPractice; Conclusion: Enabling Resistance; References; 9 Action Research andPraxis: Grasping theMystery ofWhat Happens?; Introduction; Establishing theTrend inDutch Education; Action Research, Praxis andKnowledge Development.
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Theme 3: Locating Stephen inaResearch Field/sConclusion; References; 2 AFestschrift forMy Friend?; I; II; III; IV; References; 3 Curriculum Studies inAustralia: Stephen Kemmis andtheDeakin Legacy; The Deakin Legacy; Action Research and/asCurriculum Inquiry; The Socially-Critical School; AMeta-Theory forCurriculum Inquiry; Conclusion; References; 4 Recollecting theDilemmas ofReform; Introduction; The Participation andEquity Program; Developing aNew Approach toProgram Evaluation; Program Achievements andIdeological Shifts; Dilemmas ofReform; Conclusion; References.
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This book is a Festschrift for Emeritus Professor Stephen Kemmis, who has a long and eminent career as an educational researcher and academic spanning over 40 years. His work in curriculum, evaluation, critical practice, action research and practice theory has been influential across all continents of the world. The book examines critical perspectives on educational practice and the participatory nature of action research, including practitioner research particularly as undertaken by teachers in schools. Including vignettes from Kemmis' colleagues and mentors, it draws on contributions from a range of academics whose scholarship has been inspired, influenced and initiated by his work. The chapters stem from a range of countries, including Australia, Canada, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, United States of America, and Trinidad and Tobago - a testimony to the enduring and global legacy of Kemmis' scholarship. Contributing authors include leading educational research scholars, indigenous elders from Australia, and community leaders concerned with environmental sustainability. The concluding focus of this book turns towards practice theory. Kemmis' later work led to the development of the theory of practice architectures and gave rise to the development of the theory of ecologies of practices in education. Research drawing on the theory of practice architectures and ecologies of practices resulted in the leading text "Changing practices, changing education" (Kemmis, Wilkinson, Edwards-Groves, Hardy, Grootenboer & Bristol, 2014, Springer) that reports on an Australian investigation of the ecological relationship between student learning, teaching, professional learning, leading and researching practices. This theory is now being applied to study practices across a wide range of international contexts, sites and disciplines including early childhood, school education, university education, vocational education and training, community environment, indigenous cultural sustainability and health.