Valuing our Teachers and Raising their Status - How Communities Can Help.
General Material Designation
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Paris :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
OECD Publishing,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource (116 pages)
Series Title
International Summit on the Teaching Profession
Text of Note
The importance of teacher self-efficacy.
Text of Note
Intro; Foreword; Table of Contents; Executive Summary; Chapter 1 -- Emerging trends, challenges and opportunities; Preparing students for their future, not our past; What this means for learning, teaching and teachers; Making educational change happen; What we should expect from tomorrow's teachers; What we should expect from tomorrow's education policy makers; The International Summit of the Teaching Profession as a platform for policy makers and teachers to find solutions; Chapter 2 -- Schools at the centre of their communities; From vertical to horizontal forms of governance.
Text of Note
Engaging parentsParental involvement and student learning outcomes; Parental involvement and students' satisfaction with life; Parents' interest in school and students' performance in PISA and life satisfaction; How parents engage with their children about school; Students' reports of their parents' interest in their life at school; Obstacles to parents' participation in school activities; Schools driving progress and well-being in local communities; Horizontal connectedness; Multidimensional ecosystems of learning; Schools can engage with their communities in different ways.
Text of Note
Preparedness in pedagogy of the subject field(s)Preparedness in classroom practice of the subject field(s); Teacher-directed and student-oriented learning; Where does mathematics teaching fall in the debate on teacher-directed versus student-oriented learning?; Which teachers use active-learning teaching practices in mathematics?; How can a variety of teaching strategies benefit student achievement?; The gap between intended and implemented learning strategies; Who uses memorisation the most?; Will memorisation help or hinder student learning?
Text of Note
Serving the community through extracurricular activitiesService-learning; Learning to engage; Partnering with business and cultural bodies in the local community; Levelling the playing field; Poverty need not be destiny; Aligning resources with needs; Reconciling flexibility and equity; Policy implications; Chapter 3 -- Enabling pedagogies for the future; Teacher professional competence; How well do new teachers feel prepared for teaching?; Feelings of preparedness of new versus experienced teachers; Preparedness in content of the subject field(s).
Text of Note
What do we actually know about teachers' pedagogical knowledge?A framework for measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge; Profiles of teachers' general pedagogical knowledge; Shaping learning environments; Regrouping educators and teachers; Regrouping learners; Rescheduling learning: Innovating how time is used; Widening pedagogical repertoires; Policy implications; Chapter 4 -- Teachers' well-being, confidence and efficacy; High and rising expectations of teachers; How confident are teachers in their abilities as teachers, and how does this relate to their job satisfaction?
Valuing our Teachers and Raising their Status - How Communities Can Help.