Intro; Contents; Acknowledgments; List of Contributors; Constructive-Engagement Strategy of Doing Philosophy of Language Comparatively in View of Chinese Language and Chinese Philosophy: A Theme Introduction; Part 1 Semantic-Syntactic Structure of Chinese Names and Issue of Reference; Chapter 1 White Horse Paradox and Semantics of Chinese Nouns; Chapter 2 A Double-Reference Account of Names in Early China: Case Analyses of Semantic-Syntactic Structures of Names in the Yi-Jing Text, Gongsun Long's "White-Horse-Not-Horse" Thesis, and Later Mohist Treatment of Parallel Inference
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Chapter 3 On the Comparative Analysis of Chinese Measure Words: Insights from Evolutionary TheoryChapter 4 Intuitions or Reasons: The Empirical Evidence for Theory of Reference; Part 2 Cross-Contextual Meaning and Understanding; Chapter 5 Communicative Meaning and Meaning as Significance; Chapter 6 Semantics and What Is Said; Part 3 Principle of Charity and Linguistic Relativism in Relation to Chinese: Engaging Exploration (I); Chapter 7 Conceptual Schemes and Linguistic Relativism in Relation to Chinese; Chapter 8 A.C. Graham's Sinologist Criticism and the Myth of "Pre-Logical Thinking."
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Part 6 Language in Action through Chinese TextsChapter 13 Reading the Analects with Davidson: Mood, Force, and Communicative Practice in Early China; Postscript 2017; Chapter 14 Metaphor in Comparative Focus; Appendixes; Appendix 1 Comparative Chronology of Philosophers; Appendix 2 Note on Transcription and Guide to Pronunciation; Index of Names and Subjects
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Postscript: Normative Character of Semantic TruthPart 5 The "Speakable" and the "Unspeakable" in Chinese Texts: Engaging Exploration (III); Chapter 11 From the Ineffable to the Poetic: Heidegger and Confucius on Poetry-Expression of Language; Chapter 12 How Non-Speech Becomes a Form of Speech: A Reinterpretation of the Debate at the Dam over the Hao River; Editor's Engaging Remarks for Part 5; Eternal Dao, Constant Name, and LanguageEngagement: On the Opening Message ofthe Dao-De-Jing; Postscript: From Lao Zi's Opening Message to Davidson's Opening Message
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From the constructive-engagement vantage point of doing philosophy of language comparatively, this anthology explores (1) how reflective elaboration of some distinct features of the Chinese language and of philosophically interesting resources concerning language in Chinese philosophy can contribute to our treatment of a range of issues in philosophy of language and (2) how relevant resources in contemporary philosophy of language can contribute to philosophical interpretations of reflectively interesting resources concerning the Chinese language and Chinese texts. The foregoing contributing fronts constitute two complementary sides of this project. This volume includes 12 contributing essays and 2 engagement-background essays which are organized into six parts on distinct issues. The anthology also includes the volume editor's theme introduction on comparative philosophy of language.
Philosophy of language, Chinese language, Chinese philosophy.
International Standard Book Number
Chinese language-- Philosophy.
Language and languages-- Philosophy.
Philosophy, Chinese.
Chinese language-- Philosophy.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY-- Southeast Asian Languages.