Includes bibliographical references (pages 349-393) and index.
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pt. I. Basic concepts. 1. Who uses drugs? : Drugs and the young ; Adults and drug use ; Ethnicity and drug use ; Drugs and the workplace ; Drug use among the affluent -- 2. Classifying mood-altering drugs : Type of classification ; Differences and similarities among drug groups ; Designer drugs ; Club drugs ; Performance-enhancing drugs -- 3. Habituation, dependency, and addiction : Defining terms ; Effects of drugs on the brain -- 4. Why people use drugs : Initiating drug use ; Biological determinants ; Psychological factors ; Environment and conditioning -- 5. Identifying inappropriate drug use and drug dependency : Signs and symptoms of drug use ; Addressing drug abuse in your children ; Laboratory aids to identify alcohol and drug use ; The value of identifying drug users -- 6. Treating drug dependency : Available treatment modalities ; Evaluation of treatment ; After treatment ; The law and drug treatment.
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pt. II. Mood-altering drugs. 7. Alcohol : Patterns of use ; Costs of drinking ; Common alcoholic beverages ; How alcohol is handled by the body ; Effects of environment ; Interaction with other drugs ; Dependency and withdrawal ; Adverse effects ; Diagnosis ; Reasons for excessive drinking ; Alcoholism: a disease or a psychological disorder? -- 8. Central nervous system depressants and antianxiety agents : Patterns of use ; Barbiturates ; Nonbarbiturate hypnotics and sedatives ; Other central nervous system depressants ; Benzodiazepines ; Miscellaneous antianxiety agents -- 9. Powerful hallucinogens, phencyclidine, and ecstasy : Classification ; Adverse effects of hallucinogens ; Ecstasy ; Phencyclidine ; Ketamine -- 10. Marijuana : Reefer madness ; Patterns of use ; Tolerance, dependency, and withdrawal ; Adverse effects ; Moving to stronger drugs ; Medical uses of marijuana -- 11. Opiates and opioids : Opium preparations ; Action of opioids on the brain ; Effects of opioids on the body ; Tolerance, dependency, and withdrawal ; Opioids susceptible to nonmedical use ; Opiate agonists-antagonists ; Partial opioid receptor agonists -- 12. Heroin addiction : Heroin from opium: the street trade ; Getting high and coming down ; Prevalence ; Adverse effects ; The challenge of treating heroin addiction ; Measuring treatment effectiveness -- 13. Amphetamines, amphetamine-like drugs, and caffeine : Amphetamines ; Amphetamine-like drugs ; Caffeine -- 14. Cocaine : Patterns of use ; Cocaine metabolism ; Dependency, tolerance, and addiction ; Adverse effects of cocaine ; Treatment of cocaine dependency -- 15. Nicotine : Cigarette smokers today ; Available nicotine products ; Ingredients in tobacco ; Dependency, tolerance, addiction, and withdrawal ; Adverse effects of smoking ; Treatment -- 16. Volatile solvents, anesthetics, and organic nitrites : Volatile solvents ; Anesthetic agents ; Organic nitrites.
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pt. III. Areas of special concern. 17. Multiple drug use : Alcohol and other drugs ; Smoking and drug use ; Opioids ; Cocaine ; Marijuana ; Treatment -- 18. AIDS and drug use : HIV: the human immunodeficiency virus ; Preventing HIV transmission ; Treatment of AIDS ; Relationship between the use of noninjecting mood-altering drugs and HIV infection -- 19. Drugs, pregnancy, and the newborn : Incidence of drug use during pregnancy ; General effects of drugs on pregnancy outcome ; Human immunodeficiency virus ; Treatment of drug use and dependency during pregnancy ; Prevention of drug use during pregnancy -- 20. Drugs and sports : Stimulants ; Anabolic steroids ; Growth hormone ; Erythropoietin ; Detecting and preventing inappropriate drug use by athletes -- Appendix A. Drug use reporting sources -- Appendix B. List of common names for drugs.
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Alcoholism, drug addiction, and the road to recovery.
Alcoholism, drug addiction, and the road to recovery.