Revised edition of: Nursing interventions for infants & children. 1990.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Part I. Interventions for infants and childbearing families. Preconception counseling / Lynn Eidahl -- Reproductive technology management / Sandra Jane Hahn -- Reproductive counseling: disclosure about birth origins / Sandra Jane Hahn -- Prenatal care / Carol Loan -- Lactation counseling / Pamela D. Hill -- Fathering promotion / Arnette Marie Anderson -- Parenting promotion / Janice Denehy -- Developmental care: preterm infant / Lou Ann Montgomery -- Nonnutritive sucking / Rita H. Pickler -- Kangaroo care / Kathryn Moore Breitbach -- Supportive positioning / Christine L. Doyle and Cynthia S. Hockman -- Early intervention / Marie L. Lobo -- Genetic counseling / Janet K. Williams -- Perinatal substance abuse treatment / Michele J. Eliason -- Grief work facilitation: perinatal loss / Jane E. Wilkins -- Part II. Interventions for child health problems. Case management / Deborah K. Bahe -- Preparation for hospitalization, surgery, and procedures / Marion E. Broome and Myra Martz Huth -- Therapeutic play / Mary E. Tiedeman, Kathleen A. Simon, and Stephanie Clatworthy -- Distraction / Charmaine Kleiber -- Sibling adaptation counseling / Martha Craft-Rosenberg -- Visitation facilitation / Anita Nicholson -- Friendship promotion / Susan M. Elek -- Normalization promotion / Kathleen A. Knafl, Janet A. Deatrick, and Adrienne Kirby -- Feeding behavior modification / Kirsten Sueppel Hanrahan -- Bowel incontinence care: encopresis / Susan Poulton -- Behavior modification / Judith A. Coucouvanis and Ann Marie McCarthy -- Self-mutilation prevention / Jo Ellen Crowe and Catherine Willoughby -- Grief work facilitation / Kathleen Ross-Alaolmolki and Marjorie M. Heinzer -- Part III. Interventions for primary care health promotion. Telephone consultation / Julie Osterhaus -- Immunization/vaccination administration / Colette Lothe -- Environmental management: automobile safety / Sara Walsh Arneson -- Sleep enhancement / Nancy C. Corser and Ann E. Edgil -- Lifestyle modification: nutrition promotion / Julie L. Ritland -- Exercise promotion / Cynthia L. Bennett -- Athlete health promotion / Cynthia L. Bennett -- Self-esteem enhancement / Shelley-Rae Pehler -- Media management / Janice Denehy -- Substance abuse prevention / Sandra Rae Powell -- Teaching sexuality / Barbara Neitzel-Schneider -- Teen pregnancy: primary prevention / Mary Lober Aquilino -- Adolescent suicide prevention / Leonie Pallikkathayil and Tammie L. Willis -- Teaching conflict resolution / Kathleen Ross-Alaolmolki.
Text of Note
Designed for nurses and student nurses who work with this group, this book covers interventions for infants and children as clients, as well as the family as a client. Each chapter examines the theoretical and research literature support for the invention and links to appropriate nursing diagnoses and outcomes.