A tale of two conflicts : critiques of the British war effort, 1793-1815 / Philip Harling -- The sea fencibles, loyalism, and the reach of the state / Nicholas Rogers -- The defence of Manchester and Liverpool in 1803 : conflicts of loyalism, patriotism and the middle classes / Katrina Navickas -- 'An insurrection of loyalty' : the London volunteer regiments' response to the invasion threat / Jon Newman -- In defence of Great Britain : Henry Addington, the Duke of York and military preparations against invasion by Napoleonic France, 1803-1804 / Charles John Fedorak -- 'This soldierlike danger' : the trial of William Blake for sedition / Jon Mee and Mark Crosby -- John Bull in a dream : fear and fantasy in the visual satires of 1803 / Alexandra Franklin -- Britain and the black legend : the genesis of the anti-Napoleonic myth / Simon Burrows -- 'The cheap defence of nations' : monuments and propaganda / Holger Hoock -- Music and politics, 1793-1815 -- Anti-English discourse among the authorities : myths and realities in the northern départements / Annie Crépin and Vincent Cuvilliers -- 'An inundation from our shores' : travelling across the Channel around the Peace of Amiens / Renaud Morieux.
Text of Note
"By bringing together historians of Britain and France to examine the dynamics of the conflict between the two nations in this period, this book measures its impact on their domestic political cultures, and its effect on their perceptions of each other. In so doing it will encourage scholars to examine in more detail aspects of popular mobilization which have hitherto been largely ignored, such as the resurgence of loyalism in 1803, and to see contributions in the light of the dual contexts of domestic political conflict and their war with each other. The book contributes both new detail to our understanding of the period and a better overall understanding of the complex place that each nation came to occupy in the consciousness of the other."--Jacket.
Text of Note
"The long war with Revolutionary France had a fundamental impact on British political culture. The most dramatic example of this is the mass mobilization of the British people in response to French invasion threats throughout the last years of the century but, most spectacularly, in the period of 1803-05, after the collapse of the Peace of Amiens, and the massing of invasion fleet by Napoleon."
Resisting Napoleon.
Napoleon, I,1769-1821-- Adversaries.
Napoleon, I,1769-1821-- motståndare.
Napoleon, I,1769-1821.
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815-- Proposed invasion of England, 1793-1805.