Medium specificity and productive precursors : an introduction / Marsha Kinder -- Print is flat, code is deep : the importance of media-specific analysis / N. Katherine Hayles -- Postmedia aesthetics / Lev Manovich -- If-then-else : memory and the path not taken / Edward Branigan -- Cyberspace and its precursors : Lintsbach, Warburg, Eisenstein / Yuri Tsivian -- Past indiscretions : digital archives and recombinant history / Steve Anderson -- Films beget digital media / Stephen Mamber -- Navigating the ocean of streams of story / Grahame Weinbren -- Is this not a screen? Notes on the mobile phone and cinema / Caroline Bassett -- Digital possibilities and the remagining of politics, place, and the self : an introduction / Tara McPherson -- Transnational/national digital imaginaries / John Hess and Patricia R. Zimmermann -- Is (cyber) space the place? / Herman Gray -- Linkages : political topography and networked topology / David Wade Crane -- The database city : the digital possessive and Hollywood Boulevard / Eric Gordon -- Cuba, cyberculture, and the exile discourse / Cristina Venegas -- Thinking digitally/acting locally : interactive narrative, neighborhood soil, and La Cosecha Nuestra Community / John T. Caldwell -- Video installation art as uncanny shock, or how Bruce Nauman's corridors expand sensory life / Mark B.N. Hansen -- Braingirls and fleshmonsters / Holly WIllis -- Tech-illa sunrise (.txt con sangrita) / Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Guillermo Gómez-Peña.
Text of Note
Demonstrating that they are never neutral or innocent.