Includes bibliographical references (pages 252-270) and indexes.
Text of Note
Introduction : ethnomethodology and the foundational respecification of the human sciences / Graham Button -- Respecification : evidence for locally produced, naturally accountable phenomena of order, logic, reason, meaning, method, etc. in and as of the essential haecceity of immortal ordinary society (I), an announcement of studies / Harold Garfinkel -- Logic : enthnomethodology and the logic of language / Jeff Coulter -- Epistemology : professional scepticism / Wes Sharrock and Bob Anderson -- Method : measurement, ordinary and scientific measurement as ethnomethodological phenomena / Mike Lynch -- Method : evidence and inference, evidence and inference for ethnomethodology / Douglas Benson and John Hughes.
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The social actor : social action in real time / Wes Sharrock and Graham Button -- Cognition : cognition in an ethnomethodological mode / Jeff Coulter -- Language and culture : the linguistic analysis of culture / John Lee -- Values and moral judgement : communicative praxis as moral order / Lena Jayyusi.
Text of Note
This study re-appraises the significance of ethnomethodology in sociology in particular, and in the human sciences in general. It demonstrates how ethnomethodology provides a radical re-specification of the foundations of the human sciences, an achievement that has often been misunderstood.