The matter of subjectivity. Returning the social to the social model / Tobin Siebers -- Disability ecology and the rematerialization of literary disability studies / Joshua Kupetz -- Unique mattering: a new materialist approach to William Gibson's Pattern recognition / Olga Tarapata -- The matter of meaning. Hannah Weiner's transversal poetics: collaboration, disability, and clairvoyance / Patrick Durgin -- Dis-affection: disability effects and disabled moves at the movies / Angela M. Smith -- The matter of mortality. Spider-man's designer genes: hypercapacity and transhumanism in a DIY world / Samuel Yates -- An arm up or a leg down? grounding the prosthesis and other instabilities / Chris Ewart -- Breeding aliens, breeding AIDS: male pregnancy, disability, and viral materialism in "Bloodchild" / Matt Franks -- Why Lennie can teach us new tricks: reading for idiocy, caninity, and tropological confusion in Of mice and men / David Oswald -- The matter of memory. Informal economies in Mexico City transit: the matter of disappearance / Susan Antebi -- Posthumanist T4 memory / David T. Mitchell and Sharon L. Snyder.
Text of Note
The Matter of Disability returns disability to its proper place as an ongoing historical process of corporeal, cognitive, and sensory mutation operating in a world of dynamic, even cataclysmic, change. The book's contributors offer new theorizations of human and nonhuman embodiments and their complex evolutions in our global present, in essays that explore how disability might be imagined as participant in the "complex elaboration of difference," rather than something gone awry in an otherwise stable process. This alternative approach to materiality sheds new light on the capacities that exist within the depictions of disability that the book examines, including Spider-Man, Of Mice and Men, and Bloodchild.