Ch. 1. Stationary Electric Fields. Basic Laws and Concepts of Electrostatics. Differential Forms of Electrostatic Laws. Special Techniques for Electrostatic Problems. Energy in Fields -- Ch. 2. Stationary Magnetic Fields. Static Magnetic Field Laws and Concepts. Differential Forms for Magnetostatics and the Use of Potential. Magnetic Field Energy -- Ch. 3. Maxwell's Equations. Large-Scale and Differential Forms of Maxwell's Equations. Examples of Use of Maxwell's Equations. Potentials for Time-Varying Fields -- Ch. 4. The Electromagnetics of Circuits. The Idealizations in Classical Circuit Theory. Skin Effect in Practical Conductors. Calculation of Circuit Elements. Circuits Which are Not Small Compared with Wavelength -- Ch. 5. Transmission Lines. Time and Space Dependence of Signals on Ideal Transmission Lines. Sinusoidal Waves on Ideal Transmission Lines. Nonideal Transmission Lines. Resonant Transmission Lines. Special Topics -- Ch. 6. Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection. Plane-Wave Propagation. Plane Waves Normally Incident on Discontinuities. Plane Waves Obliquely Incident on Discontinuities -- Ch. 7. Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems. The Basic Differential Equations and Numerical Methods. Method of Conformal Transformation. Separation of Variables Method -- Ch. 8. Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries. General Formulation for Guided Waves. Cylindrical Waveguides of Various Cross Sections. General Properties of Guided Waves -- Ch. 9. Special Waveguide Types -- Ch. 10. Resonant Cavities. Resonators of Simple Shape. Small-Gap Cavities and Coupling -- Ch. 11. Microwave Networks. Two-Port Waveguide Junctions. N-Port Waveguide Junctions. Frequency Characteristics of Waveguide Networks. Junction Parameters by Analysis -- Ch. 12. Radiation. Field and Power Calculations with Currents Assumed on the Antenna. Radiation from Fields over an Aperture. Arrays of Elements. Field Analysis of Antennas. Receiving Antennas and Reciprocity -- Ch. 13. Electromagnetic Properties of Materials. Linear Isotropic Media. Nonlinear Isotropic Media. Anisotropic Media -- Ch. 14. Optics. Ray or Geometrical Optics. Dielectric Optical Waveguides. Gaussian Beams in Space and in Optical Resonators. Basis for Optical Information Processing -- Appendix 1 Conversion Factors between Systems of Units -- Appendix 2 Coordinate Systems and Vector Relations -- Appendix 3 Sketch of the Derivation of Magnetic Field Laws -- Appendix 4 Complex Phasors as Used in Electrical Circuits -- Appendix 5 Solution for Retarded Potentials; Green's Functions.
Text of Note
This book begins with a review of static electric and magnetic fields, providing a wealth of results useful for static and time-dependent fields problems in which the size of the device is small compared with a wavelength. Some of the static results such as inductance of transmission lines calculations can be used for microwave frequencies. Familiarity with vector operations, including divergence and curl, are developed in context in the chapters on statics.