Introduction -- 1. Ho Peng-Yoke, Chinese Number Mysticism -- 2. Kim Plofker, Derivation and Revelation: the Legitimacy of Mathematical Models in Indian Cosmology -- 3. Reviel Netz, The Pythagoreans -- 4. Ian Mueller, Mathematics and the Divine in Plato -- 5. Jean-Franois Matti, Nicomachus of Gerasa and the Divine Arithmetical Ladder -- 6. Dominic J. O'Meara, Geometry and the Divine in Proclus -- 7. Marie-Pierre Terrien, Religious Architecture and Mathematics during Late Antiquity -- 8. David A. King, The Sacred Geography of Islam -- 9. Faith Wallis, 'Number Mystique' in early medieval computus texts -- 10. Maurice-Ruben Hayoun, Is the Divine Universe Divisible -- 11. Charles Lohr, Mathematics and the Divine: Ramon Lull -- 12. Hugue Garcia, Christian Gnosis -- 13. Edith Dudley Sylla, Swester Katrei and Gregory of Rimini: Angels, God and Mathematics in the Fourteenth Century -- 14. Jean-Michel Counet, Mathematics and the Divine in Nicholas of Cusa -- 15. Teun Koetsier and Karin Reich, Michael Stifel and his Numerology -- 16. Ivo Schneider, Between Rosicrucians and Kabbala -- the Mathematics of the Biblical Numbers of Johannes Faulhaber -- 17. Eberhard Knobloch, Mathematics and the Divine: Athanasius Kircher -- 18. Volker R. Remmert, Galileo, God and Mathematics -- 19. Andr Charrak, The Mathematical Model of Creation According to Kepler -- 20. Jean-Marie Nicolle, The Mathematical Analogy in the Proof of God's Existence by Descartes -- 21. Donald Adamson, Pascal's Views on Mathematics and the Divine -- 22. Ger Harmsen, Spinoza and the Geometrical Method of Proof -- 23. Philip Beeley and Siegmund Probst, John Wallis (1616-1703): Mathematician and Divine -- 24. Kees de Pater, Newton and the Ocean of Truth -- 25. Herbert Breger, Leibniz: Mathematics and the Divine -- 26. Wolfgang Breidert, Berkeley's Defence of the Infinite God in Contrast to the Infinite in Mathematics -- 27. Ruediger Thiele, Leonhard Euler and the Divine -- 28. Ruediger Thiele, Georg Cantor and the Divine -- 29. Luc Bergmans, Gerrit Mannoury and his Fellow Significians on Mathematics and Mysticism -- 30. Teun Koetsier, Arthur Schopenhauer and L.E.J. Brouwer: A Comparison -- 31. Sergei S. Demidov and Charles E. Ford, On the Road to a Unified View: Priest Pavel Florensky -- Theologian, Philosopher and Scientist -- 32. Franois De Gandt, Husserl and Impossible Numbers: a Sceptical Experience -- 33. Bruno Pinchard, Symbol and Space According to Ren Gunon -- 34. Teun Koetsier, Eddington: Science and the Unseen World -- 35. Albert van der Schoot, The Divined Proportion.