Charles F. Kutscher, Jana B. Milford, Frank Kreith.
Edition Statement
Third edition.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Boca Raton, FL :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
CRC Press,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource.
Series Title
Mechanical and aerospace engineering
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Authors -- Contributors -- 1. Introduction to Sustainable Energy -- 1.1 Sustainability Principles -- 1.1.1 Energy Crisis: Security Issues -- 1.1.2 Sustainable Development -- 1.1.3 Sustainability Principles in Practice -- 1.1.4 Challenges for Sustainability Engineering -- 1.2 Carrying Capacity and Exponential Growth -- 1.2.1 Population Issue -- 1.2.2 Water Issue -- 1.2.3 Food Supply Issues -- 1.2.4 Per Capita Energy Use -- 1.2.5 Mathematics of Exponential Growth -- 1.3 Context for Sustainable Energy -- 1.3.1 Historical Energy Development in the United States -- 1.3.2 Current Energy Use -- 1.3.3 Future Energy Scenarios for the United States -- 1.4 Key Sustainability Considerations -- 1.4.1 The Challenge of Climate Change -- 1.4.2 Energy Economic Efficiency -- 1.4.3 Energy Return on Energy Invested -- 1.4.4 Cost of Energy Production -- 1.4.5 Other Costs of Energy Development -- 1.5 Energy Efficiency and Conservation -- 1.5.1 Energy End-Use Demand Reduction in Buildings -- 1.5.2 Energy End-Use Demand Reduction in Transportation -- 1.5.3 Energy Management in Industry and Manufacturing -- 1.6 Conventional Energy -- 1.6.1 Fossil Fuels -- 1.6.2 Nuclear Power -- 1.7 Renewable Energy -- 1.7.1 Wind Energy -- 1.7.2 Solar Photovoltaics -- 1.7.3 Solar Thermal -- 1.7.4 Ocean and Geothermal Energy -- 1.7.5 Biomass and Biofuel -- 1.7.6 Hydroelectric Generation -- 1.8 Hydrogen -- 1.9 NREL System Advisor Model -- Energy Units and Conversion Factors -- Problems -- Discussion Questions -- Online Resources -- References -- Suggested Readings -- 2. Economics of Energy Generation and Conservation Systems -- 2.1 Unit Cost of Energy -- 2.2 Payback Period -- 2.3 Time Value of Money -- 2.4 Inflation -- 2.5 Total Life Cycle Costs.
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10.5.1 Atmospheric Extinction of Solar Radiation -- 10.5.2 Solar Radiation on Clear Days -- 10.5.3 Solar Radiation on a Tilted Surface -- 10.6 TMY Data to Determine Solar Radiation -- 10.7 Measurement of Solar Radiation -- 10.7.1 Instruments for Measuring Solar Radiation and Sunshine -- 10.7.2 Detectors for Solar Radiation Instrumentation -- 10.7.3 Measurement of Sunshine Duration -- 10.7.4 Measurement of Spectral Solar Radiation -- 10.7.5 National Solar Radiation Database -- Problems -- References -- 11. Photovoltaics -- 11.1 Semiconductors -- 11.1.1 p-n Junction -- 11.1.2 Photovoltaic Effect -- 11.2 Analysis of Photovoltaic Cells -- 11.2.1 Efficiency of Solar Cells -- 11.2.2 Multijunction Solar Cells -- 11.2.3 Design of a Photovoltaic System -- 11.3 Manufacture of Solar Cells and Panels -- 11.3.1 Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Cells -- 11.3.2 Amorphous Silicon -- 11.4 Design for Remote Photovoltaic Applications -- 11.4.1 Estimation of Loads and Load Profiles -- 11.4.2 Estimation of Available Solar Radiation -- 11.4.3 PV System Sizing -- 11.4.4 Water Pumping Applications -- 11.5 Thin-Film PV Technology -- 11.6 Multilayer PV Technology -- 11.7 Today's PV Market -- 11.8 Using System Advisor Model (SAM) for PV Performance Estimates -- Problems -- References -- Suggested Readings -- 12. Solar Thermal Collectors and Systems -- 12.1 Radiation Properties of Materials -- 12.1.1 Selective Surfaces -- 12.1.2 Reflective Surfaces -- 12.2 Energy Balance for a Flat Plate Collector -- 12.3 Experimental Testing of Collectors -- 12.3.1 Testing Standards for Solar Thermal Collectors -- 12.4 Evacuated Tube Collectors -- 12.5 Transpired Air Collectors -- 12.6 Concentrating Solar Collectors -- 12.6.1 Line-Focus Concentrators -- Parabolic Troughs -- Linear Fresnel Collectors -- 12.6.2 Point-Focus Concentrators.
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2.6 Internal Rate of Return -- 2.7 Capital Recovery Factor -- 2.8 Levelized Cost of Energy -- 2.9 Societal and Environmental Costs -- Problems -- References -- 3. Energy Systems Analysis Methodologies -- 3.1 Life Cycle Approach -- 3.2 Process Chain Analysis -- 3.3 Input-Output (I/O) Analysis -- 3.4 Embedded Energy -- 3.5 Energy Return on Energy Invested -- 3.5.1 Calculation of EROI -- 3.5.2 EROI and Energy Budgets -- 3.5.3 EROI for a Wind Energy System -- 3.6 Greenhouse Gas Accounting -- Problems -- References -- 4. Energy Use and Efficiency in Buildings and Industry -- 4.1 Background -- 4.2 Energy Audits and Energy Management -- 4.3 Buildings -- 4.3.1 Calculations of Heating and Hot Water Loads in Buildings -- Calculation of Heat Loss -- Internal Heat Sources in Buildings -- Degree-Day Method -- Service Hot Water Load Calculation -- 4.3.2 Cooling Requirements for Buildings -- 4.3.3 Vapor-Compression Cycle -- 4.3.4 Evaporative Cooling -- 4.3.5 Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings -- Commercial Buildings Case Studies -- 4.3.6 Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings -- Residential Case Study: Net-Zero Habitat for Humanity House -- 4.3.7 Zero-Energy Urban Districts -- 4.4 Industrial Energy Efficiency -- 4.4.1 Background -- 4.4.2 Improving Industrial Processes -- 4.4.3 Improvements in Industrial Equipment -- Problems -- References -- 5. Electricity Supply Systems -- 5.1 Historical Development of the U.S. Electric Power System -- 5.2 Electrical Transmission -- 5.3 The Electric Grid and Electricity Markets -- 5.3.1 Rate Structures -- 5.3.2 Electricity Markets -- Energy Market -- Capacity Market -- Ancillary Services Market -- Financial Transmission Rights Market -- 5.4 Grid Operations -- 5.5 Integration of Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid.
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5.6 Demand Response and Transactional Controls -- Problems -- References -- 6. Fossil Fuels -- 6.1 Fossil Fuel Resources and Extraction -- 6.1.1 Coal -- 6.1.2 Natural Gas -- 6.1.3 Petroleum -- 6.2 Fossil Fuel Combustion and Energy Conversion Technologies -- 6.2.1 Heat of Combustion -- 6.2.2 Fossil Fuel Use for Heat -- 6.2.3 Electricity Generation from Pulverized Coal -- 6.2.4 Electricity Generation from Natural Gas -- 6.2.5 Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle -- 6.3 Air Pollution from Fossil Fuel Combustion -- 6.3.1 Local and Regional Scale Air Pollution -- 6.3.2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change -- 6.3.3 Carbon Capture and Sequestration -- 6.3.4 Leaving It in the Ground -- Problems -- References -- 7. Nuclear Energy -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Fission Mechanism -- 7.3 Available Nuclear Resources -- 7.3.1 Uranium Resources -- 7.3.2 Plutonium -- 7.4 Reactor Types -- 7.4.1 Pressurized-Water Reactors (PWRs) -- 7.4.2 Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) -- 7.4.3 Heavy Water Cooled and Moderated Reactor -- 7.5 Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal -- 7.6 Spent Fuel Storage and Reprocessing -- 7.7 Nuclear Power Plant Accidents -- 7.8 Current Status and Cost of Nuclear Technology -- 7.9 Next-Generation Nuclear Technologies -- Discussion Questions -- Acknowledgment -- References -- 8. Wind Energy -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Environmental Impact -- 8.2.1 Noise and Visual Impact -- 8.2.2 Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Land, and Water Use -- 8.2.3 Bird and Bat Fatalities -- 8.3 Power and Energy of Wind -- 8.4 Coefficient of Performance -- 8.5 Aerodynamics -- 8.6 Wind Characteristics -- 8.6.1 Wind Generation -- 8.6.2 Distribution of Wind -- 8.6.3 Wind Speed Increasing with Height -- 8.6.4 Log Law Wind Speed Profile -- 8.6.5 Power Law Wind Speed Profile -- 8.6.6 Probability of Observing a Given Wind Speed -- 8.7 Turbine Performance.
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8.7.1 Control Schemes -- 8.8 Levelized Cost of Energy for a Wind Turbine -- 8.9 Wind Farms -- 8.10 Offshore Wind Energy -- 8.11 System Advisor Model for Wind Farm Analysis -- 8.12 Additional Topics for Study -- Acknowledgment -- Problems -- References -- 9. Capturing Solar Energy through Biomass -- 9.1 Biomass Production and Land Use -- 9.1.1 Waste Materials -- 9.1.2 Energy Crops -- 9.1.3 Algae -- 9.1.4 Land Use for Biomass Production -- 9.1.5 Important Properties of Biomass -- 9.2 Biomass Process Economics and Technology -- 9.2.1 Biomass Process Economics -- 9.2.2 Conversion of Biomass to Gaseous Fuels -- Biomass to Biogas -- Biomass to Synthetic Gas -- 9.2.3 Conversion of Biomass to Liquid Fuels -- Corn Ethanol -- Cellulosic Ethanol -- Biomass Fermentation to Alternative Fuels -- Biomass to Fischer-Tropsch Liquids -- Biomass Pyrolysis Oil to Gasoline and Diesel -- Compressed Gases as Transportation Fuel -- Modern Concepts in Biofuel Conversion -- 9.2.4 Conversion of Biomass to Electricity -- Direct Combustion -- Combustion Equipment -- Biomass Cofiring -- 9.2.5 Fossil and Biomass Fuel Properties -- 9.3 Use of Biomass in Developing Communities -- 9.4 Conclusions -- Problems -- References -- 10. Fundamentals of Solar Radiation -- 10.1 Physics of the Sun and Its Energy Transport -- 10.2 Thermal Radiation Fundamentals -- 10.2.1 Black-Body Radiation -- 10.2.2 Radiation Function Tables -- 10.2.3 Intensity of Radiation and Shape Factor -- 10.2.4 Transmission of Radiation through a Medium -- 10.3 Sun-Earth Geometric Relationship -- 10.3.1 Solar Time and Angles -- 10.3.2 Sun-Path Diagram -- 10.3.3 Shadow-Angle Protractor -- 10.4 Solar Radiation -- 10.4.1 Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation -- 10.5 Estimation of Terrestrial Solar Radiation.