Cover -- Half title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1. Main physical properties and characteristics of radiofrequency capacitive discharge -- 1.1. General electromagnetic properties and classification of radiofrequency discharge -- 1.2. The main differences in the physical properties of RFCD and DC discharges -- 1.3. Electrical breakdown of gas in the RF field -- 1.4. Power transmission processes in the RFCD network -- 1.5. Current-voltage characteristic of the RFCD -- 1.6. Modern ideas about the classification of RFCD by types -- 1.7. Anharmonicity of the discharge current of the RFCD -- 1.8. Spatial structure of RFCD -- 1.9. Dependence of the physical properties of RFCD on the configuration of the discharge gap -- 1.10. Dynamics of physical processes in the RFCD -- 1.11. The frequency of the RF field -- a fundamental parameter of the RFCD -- Chapter 2. Physical properties of near-electrode layers of space charge of RF capacitive discharge -- 2.1. The specificity of the NESCL of RFCD in comparison with DC discharge -- 2.2. The functional role of near-electrode and wall layers of space charge in the RFCD -- 2.3. The mechanism of the conductivity of discharge current in the NESCL -- 2.4. The phenomenon of RF detection in the NESCL -- 2.5. Dependence of the quasi-stationary jump in the potential Us in the NESCL on the parameters of the RFCD -- 2.5.1. The patterns of Us versus the amplitude of the RF voltage V~ -- 2.5.2. Dependence of Us on gas pressure -- 2.5.3. Dependence of Us on the material of the electrode and the kind of gas -- 2.5.4. The frequency dependence Us(f) -- 2.6. The near-electrode jump in the potential Us in RFCD with external electrodes -- 2.7. The nature of the resulting electric field in the NESCL of RFCD.
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2.8. Features of the properties of NESCL in asymmetric RFCD. The effect of 'self-displacement'. 'Battery' effect -- 2.9. Transport of ions of gas-discharge plasma to electrodes -- 2.10. Transport of electrons in the NESCL -- 2.10.1. On the presence of electrons in the NESCL -- 2.10.2. Experimental study of near-electrode electron fluxes from electrodes to plasma -- 2.10.3. Transfer of electrons from the plasma to the electrodes -- 2.11. Electron-emission processes at electrodes -- 2.11.1. Dependence of the concentration of emitted electrons ne0 on RF voltage V~ and current I~ of the discharge -- 2.12. Contactless method for diagnostics of parameters -- Chapter 3. Edge effects in the RF capacitive discharge -- 3.1. The near-electrode space charge layer as a source of the edge effects of the RF capacitive discharge -- 3.2. Influence of the NESCL on the transport of charged particles in the near-electrode plasma -- 3.3. Stochastic heating of electrons of near-electrode plasma by an oscillating boundary of a NESCL -- 3.4. Specific properties of the 'NESCL-plasma' boundary in the RFCD -- 3.5. The possibility of a discrete mechanism for transport of plasma electrons to the electrodes of the RFCD -- 3.6. The edge resonance effect in the RFCD -- 3.7. The edge effect of the RF field in the RFCD -- 3.8. Features of the skinning of an alternating electric field by the near-electrode plasma of the RFCD -- Chapter 4. Near-electrode electron beams in RF capacitive discharge -- 4.1. The phenomenon of the appearance of boundary electron beams in RFCD -- 4.1.1. Near-electrode electron beams -- 4.1.2. Wall electron beams -- 4.2. Methods for diagnosing electron beams in the RFCD -- 4.3. Parameters of electron beams of low-pressure RFCD -- 4.4. The processes of spatial and temporal relaxation of near- electrode electron beams.
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"This book describes the physical mechanism of high-frequency (radio-frequency) capacitive discharge (RFCD) of low and medium pressure and the properties of discharge plasma in detail. The main properties and characteristics of RFCD, the features of electric breakdown in a high-frequency field are also investigated. The properties of near-electrode layers of a spatial discharge, the nature of the electric field in them, and the processes of charge transport to electrodes are explored. The work is intended for scientists engaged in gas discharge physics and low-temperature plasmas, graduate students and students of physics, physical chemistry, and relevant specialties."--Provided by publisher.