The feminine-mystical threat to masculine-scientific order / Charlene Haddock Seigfried -- "The woman question" : James's negotiations with natural law theory and utilitarianism / Jacob L. Goodson -- Women and William James / Erin McKenna -- Lady pragmatism and the great man : the need for feminist pragmatism / Eric C. Tarver -- The energies of women : William James and the ethics of care / Susan Dieleman -- William James and the will to care for unfamiliar others : the masculinity of care? / Maurice Hamington -- Habit, relaxation, and the open mind : James and the increments of ethical freedom / Megan Craig -- James and feminist philosophy of emotion / Shannon Sullivan -- "A perverse kind of pleasure" : James, the body, and women's mystical experience / Jeremy Carrette -- The will not to believe : pragmatism, oppression, and standpoint theory / José Medina -- Incredulity and advocacy : thinking after William James / Lorraine Code.
Text of Note
"A collection of essays examining the writings of William James. Provides a reinterpretation of pragmatism to devise philosophical resources for pragmatist feminism that challenge sexism and male privilege"--Provided by publisher.