I am the earth. ... -- For six years I do not look up -- Everything changed -- A Spelman girl -- On my own terms -- I would only be the philosopher -- Changing the world -- Meridian: Coming of age in Mississippi -- Thought at the Meridian -- Truth teller, freedom writer -- Apologia: honoring the difficult -- Helped are those who know -- A woman of one's own: Womanist philosophy and revitalization of the sovereign feminine -- The sacred masculine -- The gnostic gospel of my father's smile -- Mbele Aché -- Sub rosa no longer: Our daughters have mothers -- Absolute goodness -- Why war is never a good idea -- We are the ones -- The cathedral of the future -- Caritas: The greatest of these -- Ouroboros -- "Alice" is old Greek for truth -- Lapis philosophorum.
Text of Note
"This biography explores Alice Walker's life experiences and her lifework in context of her philosophical thought, and celebrates the author's creative genius and heroism. Born in Eatonton, GA, in 1944, a daughter of sharecroppers, Alice Walker has lived a remarkable and courageous life, and she continues to do so as an elder. Taking inspiration from her great-great-great-great grandmother who lived enslaved in the American South and died at age 125, Walker's activism stems from a philosophy that embraces all life and expresses itself through courageous truth-telling, a resolute stand for freedom, and radical love. Alice Walker: A Woman for Our Times offers a full examination of the intellectual underpinnings of Walker's life and her oeuvre from a philosophical standpoint. This philosophical biography draws a portrait of the author that reveals the nuances of her character, clarifies the relationship between her life experiences and her lifework, and the philosophical thought that underlies both. This work will be essential reading to those interested in Black studies, women's studies, the Civil Rights and Black Arts movements, peace studies, the American South, philosophy, psychology, sociology, spirituality and New Age literature, and ecology and eco-feminism."--Publisher's description.