Includes bibliographical references (pages 263-266).
Text of Note
Criticism. Jean Rhys / Derek Walcott -- Modernist crosscurrents / Mary Lou Emery -- "The other side" : Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre / Michael Thorpe -- [The place of Jean Rhys and Wide Sargasso Sea] / Kenneth Ramchand -- Carnival of psyche : Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea / Wilson Harris -- Race and Caribbean culture as thematics of liberation in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea / Sandra Drake -- [History and narrative in Wide Sargasso Sea] / Lee Erwin -- Burning down the house : the revisionary paradigm of Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea / Caroline Rody -- Unquiet ghosts : the struggle for representation in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea / Mona Fayad -- [Wide Sargasso Sea and a critique of imperialism] / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak -- [Two native voices in Wide Sargasso Sea] / Benita Parry -- England : dream and nightmare / Judith Raiskin -- Jean Rhys : a chronology.
Text of Note
The text of Wide Sargasso Sea. Introduction / by Francis Wyndham ; Wide Sargasso Sea -- Backgrounds. [The Sargasso Sea] / Rachel L. Carson -- From Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre and Bertha ; The ruined wedding ; Rochester's story ; Fire at Thornfield Hall / Charlotte Brontë -- Selected letters. To Peggy Kirkaldy (Oct. 4, 1949) ; To Maryvonne Moerman (Nov. 9, 1949) ; To Peggy Kirkaldy (Dec. 6, 1949) ; To Morchard Bishop (Jan. 27, 1953) ; To Francis Wyndham (March 29, 1958) ; To Selma Vaz Dias (April 9, 1958) ; To Francis Wyndham (Sept. 27, 1959) ; To Diana Athill (Aug. 16, 1963) ; To Francis Wyndham (March 7, 1964), (April 14, 1964), (1964) -- To Diana Athill (March 9, 1966) / Jean Rhys -- The bible is modern -- From Smile please. Books ; Meta ; My mother ; Black/white ; Facts of life -- From "Black exercise book."
Text of Note
Beautiful and wealthy Antoinette Cosway's passionate love for an English aristocrat threatens to destroy her idyllic West Indian island existence and her very life; accompanied by notes and criticism.
Text of Note
Written over the course of twenty-one years and published in 1966, Wide Sargasso Sea, based on Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, takes place in Jamaica and Dominica in 1839-45. Textual notes illuminate the novel's historical background, regional references, and the non-translated Creole and French phrases necessary to fully understand this powerful story. Backgrounds include a wealth of material on the novel's long evolution, its connections to Jane Eyre, and Rhys's biographical impressions of growing up in Dominica. Criticism introduces readers to the critical debates inspired by the novel with a Derek Walcott poem and eleven essays. - Publisher.
West Indies, British, Fiction.
West Indies, Fiction.
West Indies, Social life and customs, 19th century, Fiction