Includes bibliographical references (pages 733-762) and indexes.
Text of Note
1. Introduction -- 2. The Verbal and the Locational Strategy -- 3. The Nominal Strategy -- 4. The Typology of Intransitive Predication -- 5. Adjective-Switching -- 6. Nominal and Locational Switching -- 7. Verb-Switching -- 8. Multiple Switching and Complex Cases -- 9. Adjectives and the Tensedness Parameter -- 10. Tensed Languages -- 11. Non-Tensed Languages -- 12. Problematic Cases -- 13. Evaluation and Explanation -- 14. The Model of Intransitive Predicate Encoding -- 15. Conclusion -- App. A. Genetic and Areal Stratification of the Sample -- App. B. Typological Classification of the Sample -- App. C. Alphabetical Listing of the Sample.