migration and the politics of social inequalities in the twenty-first century /
First Statement of Responsibility
Thomas Faist.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Oxford :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Oxford University Press,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource (xii, 376 pages) :
Other Physical Details
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Cover; The Transnationalized Social Question: Migration and the Politics of Social Inequalities in the Twenty-First Century; Copyright; Acknowledgements; Notes; Contents; List of Figure & Tables; List of Abbreviations; 1: Introduction: Migration as the Transnationalized Social Question; Cross-Border Migration and Inequalities; Heterogeneities, Inequalities, and Social Mechanisms; Toward the Transnationalized Social Question; A Note on Methodology; Notes; Part I: Approaching the Transnationalized Social Question; 2: The Social Question Then and Now: From Voice to Exit?
Text of Note
Beyond Labour and Inequalities: Cross-Border Mobility of Economic ElitesThe Reproduction of Social Inequalities in Emigration and Immigration Contexts; Outlook: Reinforcing Durable Inequalities; Note; Part II: Inequalities in Social Protection; 4: Social Rights and Social Standards in Cross-Border Migration; Assemblages of Social Protection; How to Theorize about Inequalities and Social Protection in Migration; Four Fragmented Spaces of Social Protection in the World; A Global Migration Regime?; The Implementation of Social Standards in Cross-Border Migration
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Social Protection in Small GroupsInequalities: The Role of Transnationality; The Meaning of Heterogeneities and Inequalities; Outlook: Cross-Border Life and Comparisons; Notes; Part III: The Transnational Puzzle: Politics around the Social Question; 7: Externalization in Cross-Border Migration; World Polity as a Moral Polity; Socio-Psychological Externalization; Politico-Legal Externalization; Economic Externalization of Costs; The Migration-Development-Control Nexus: From Investing Developmental States to Investing Migrants with Agency
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The Assemblage of Regulations and their ReachOutlook: The Struggle for Rights in Cross-Border Fields; Notes; 5: Migration, Social Protection, and the (Re)Production of Inequalities in the European Union; European Policies on Migration and Citizenship; Cross-Border Social Protection of Migrants in the EU: The Cases of Care and Construction; Mechanisms of Inequality in Cross-Border Social Protection; Exclusion; Opportunity Hoarding; Hierarchization; Exploitation; Outlook: Persisting Inequalities; 6: Social Protection among Small Groups in European Transnational Social Spaces
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The Changing Social Question Over the Past 200 YearsWelfare States: From Exploitation to Exclusion; Migration Control: Securitization vs. Human Rights; The Increasing Relevance of Cultural Heterogeneities; Theory Inspiring Political Mobilization around the Social Question; Outlook: Putting the Social Question to Rest?; Notes; 3: The Nexus of Cross-Border Migration and Social Inequalities; Inequalities Shaping Migration; Inequalities as Outcomes of Migration; Globalization and Transnationalization; Emigration Regions-to Europe; Immigration Regions in Europe
Text of Note
The social question is back. Yet today's social question is not primarily between labour and capital, as it was in the nineteenth century and throughout much of the twentieth. The contemporary social question is located at the interstices between the global South and the global North. It finds its expression in movements of people, seeking a better life or fleeing unsustainable social, political, economic, and ecological conditions. It is transnationalized not only because migrants and their significant others entertain ties across the borders of national states, staying in touch with family and friends, receiving or sending financial remittances in transnational social spaces. Also of importance are cross--border recruitment schemes for workers and the cross-border diffusion of norms appealed to in the case of migration--for example, the social right to decent work as a human right. Moreover, migration can become an issue of inclusion or exclusion in fields important to life chances in the emigration, transit, or immigration states--a transnationalization of national states. And, as in the nineteenth century, political conflicts arise, constituting the social question as a public concern. In earlier periods class differences dominated conflicts. While class has always been criss-crossed by manifold heterogeneities, not least of all cultural ones around ethnicity, religion, and language, it is these latter heterogeneities that have sharpened in situations of immigration and emigration over the past decades. Casting a wide net in terms of conceptual and empirical scope, this book tackles both the social structure and the politics of social inequalities. It sets a comprehensive agenda for research which also includes the public role of social scientists in dealing with the transnationalized social question.