Cover; Community Ecology; Copyright; Preface to 2nd Edition; Preface to 1st Edition; Acknowledgments to 2nd Edition; Acknowledgments to 1st Edition; Contents; CHAPTER 1. Community ecology's roots; What is a community?; The ecological niche; Whither competition theory?; New directions; PART I. The Big Picture: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences of Biodiversity; CHAPTER 2. Patterns of biological diversity; Assessing biological diversity; Alpha, beta, and gamma diversity; Patterns of biological diversity; Area and species richness; The distribution of species abundance
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Density-dependent predatorsHerbivory and parasitism; Herbivory; Parasitism and disease; Summary; CHAPTER 6. Selective predators and responsive prey; Predator preference; Optimal foraging theory leads to a model of predator diet choice; Consequences of selective predation for species coexistence; Predator movement and habitat choice; The non-consumptive effects of predators; Habitat use and habitat shifts; Life history evolution; Activity levels and vigilance; Morphology; The relative importance of consumptive and non-consumptive effects; Looking ahead; Summary
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Diversity and stabilityTemporal stability; Diversity and invasibility; Biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality; Unanswered questions (revisited); Multiple trophic levels; Community assembly or species loss?; Global extinction and local ecosystem functioning: is there a mismatch of spatial scales?; The invasion paradox; How important are diversity effects in nature?; The two sides of diversity and productivity; Conclusion; Summary; PART II. The Nitty-Gritty: Species Interactions in Simple Modules; CHAPTER 4. Population growth and density dependence; Exponential population growth
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Logistic population growthThe debate over density dependence; Evidence for density dependence in nature; Bottom-up or top-down density dependence? and other questions; Positive density dependence and Allee effects; Community-level regulation of abundance and richness; Density dependence, rarity, and species richness; Conclusion; Summary; CHAPTER 5. The fundamentals of predator-prey interactions; Predator functional responses; The Lotka-Volterra model; Isocline analysis; Adding more realism to the Lotka-Volterra model; The Rosenzweig-MacArthur model; The suppression-stability trade-off
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Productivity and species richnessThe latitudinal diversity gradient; A null model: geometric constraints and the "mid-domain effect"; Ecological hypotheses: climate and species richness; Historical hypotheses: the time-integrated area hypothesis and the concept of tropical niche conservatism; Evolutionary hypotheses: do rates of diversification differ across latitude?; Conclusion; Summary; CHAPTER 3. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning; Diversity and productivity; Mechanisms underlying the diversity-productivity relationship; Diversity, nutrient cycling, and nutrient retention
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An accessible introduction to community ecology which looks at the linkages between communities separated in space (metacommunity dynamics), niche and neutral theory, the interplay between ecology and evolution (eco-evolutionary dynamics), and the influence of historical and regional processes in shaping patterns of biodiversity