Images, power, and politics : Representation ; Vision and visuality ; The myth of photographic truth ; Semiotics and signs ; Images and ideology ; Image icons -- Viewers make meaning : Producers' intended meanings ; Aesthetics and taste ; Value, collecting and institutional critique ; Reading images as ideological subjects ; Viewing strategies ; Appropriation and reappropriation -- Modernity: spectatorship, the gaze, and power : Modernity ; Modernism ; The concept of the modern subject ; Spectatorship and the gaze ; Power and the surveillance gaze ; The other ; Gender and the gaze ; Gaming and the gaze -- Realism and perspective: from Renaissance painting to digital media : Types of realism ; Perspective ; Perspective and the body ; The camera obscura ; Challenges to perspective ; Perspective in digital media -- Visual technologies, reproduction, and the copy : Visualization and technology ; Visual technologies ; The reproduced image and the copy ; Walter Benjamin and mechanical reproduction ; The politics of reproducibility ; Ownership and copyright ; Reproduction and the digital image ; 3D reproduction and simulation -- Media in everyday life : The media, singular and plural ; Everyday life ; Mass culture and mass media ; Critiques of mass culture ; Media infrastructures ; Media as nation and public sphere ; Democracy and citizen journalism ; Global media events -- Brand culture: the images and spaces of consumption : Brands as image, symbol, and icon ; The spaces of modern consumerism ; Brand ideologies ; Commodity fetishism and the rise of the knowing consumer ; Social awareness and the selling of humanitarianism ; Social media, consumer data, and the changing spaces of consumption ; DIY culture, the share economy, and new entrepreneurism -- Postmodernism: irony, parody, and pastiche : Postmodernity/postmodernism ; Simulation and the politics of postmodernity ; Reflexivity and distanced knowing ; Jaded knowing and irony ; Remix and parody ; Pastiche ; Postmodern space, architecture, and design -- Scientific looking, looking at science : Opening up the body to the empirical medical gaze ; Medicine as spectacle: the anatomical and surgical theater ; Evidence, classification, and identification ; Bodily interiors and biomedical personhood ; The genetic and digital body ; Visualizing pharmaceuticals and science activism -- The global flow of visual culture : The history of global image reproduction ; Concepts of globalization ; The world image ; Global television ; The global flow of film ; Social movements, indigenous media, and visual activism ; The global museum and contests of culture ; Refugees and borders.
Text of Note
Visual culture is central to how we communicate. Our lives are dominated by images and by visual technologies that allow for the local and global circulation of ideas, information, and politics. In this increasingly visual world, how can we best decipher and understand the many ways that our everyday lives are organized around looking practices and the many images we encounter each day? Now in a new edition, Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture provides a comprehensive and engaging overview of how we understand a wide array of visual media and how we use images to express ourselves, to communicate, to play, and to learn. Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright--two leading scholars in the emergent and dynamic field of visual culture and communication--examine the diverse range of approaches to visual analysis and lead students through key theories and