5. Concepts of growth and development -- Principles of growth and development -- Major theories of development -- Freud -- Erikson -- Piaget -- Kohlberg -- Social Learning Theory -- Behaviorism -- Ecologic Theory -- Temperament Theory -- Resiliency Theory -- Influences of development -- Growth and development by age group -- Newborn -- Infant -- Toddler -- Preschool child -- School-age child -- Adolescent -- 6. Child and family communication -- Communication and the nurse-child-family relationship -- Forms of communication -- Factors influencing communication with children and their families -- Developmental and cognitive considerations for communication with children -- The child with special needs -- 7. Pediatric and newborn assessment -- Obtaining the child's history -- Anatomic and physiologic characteristics of infants and children -- Physical examination techniques -- Assessing skin and hair characteristics and integrity -- Assessing the head for skull characteristics and facial features -- Assessing eye structures, function, and vision -- Assessing the ear structures and hearing -- Assessing the nose and sinuses for airway patency and discharge -- Assessing the mouth and throat for color, function, and signs of abnormal conditions -- Assessing the neck for characteristics, range of motion, and lymph nodes -- Assessing the chest for shape, movement, respiratory effort, and lung function -- Assessing the hear for hear sounds and function -- Assessing the abdomen for shape, bowel sounds, and underlying organs -- Assessing the genital and perineal areas for external structural abnormalities -- Assessment of pubertal development and sexual maturation -- Assessing the musculoskeletal system for bone and joint structure, movement, and muscle strength -- Assessing the nervous system for cognitive function, balance, coordination, cranial nerve function, sensation, and reflexes -- Analyzing data from the physical examination -- Newborn assessment -- 8. Infant child and adolescent nutrition -- Nutrition concepts -- Nutritional needs -- Nutritional assessment -- Common nutritional concerns --
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Appendix A. Physical Growth Charts -- Appendix B. Pediatric Blood Pressure Tables -- Appendix C. Dietary Reference Intakes -- Appendix D. Selected Pediatric Laboratory Values -- Appendix E. Body Surface Area Nomogram -- Appendix F. Emergency Assessment and Initial Management -- Appendix G. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures -- Appendix H. Temperature and Weight Conversion -- Appendix I. NCLEX-RN Review Answers
Text of Note
I. Nurses, children and families -- 1. Nurse's role in care of the child : hospital, community settings and home -- Overview of pediatric care --Role of the nurse in the care of children -- History of child health care -- Nursing process in pediatric care -- Contemporary climate for pediatric nursing care -- Legal and ethical concepts and responsibilities -- Partnering with children and their families -- 2. Family-centered care : theory and application -- Family roles -- Family-centered care -- Family composition -- Family functioning -- Parenting -- Special family considerations -- Foster care -- Adoption -- Family theories -- Family assessment -- Family support services -- 3. Cultural influences -- Culture : definitions and basic concepts -- Demographics and cultural diversity in the United States and Canada -- Cultural competence in nursing -- Health care and culture -- 4. Genetic and genomic influences -- Partnering with families : meeting the standard of genetic nursing care delivery -- Genetic basics -- Principles of inheritance -- Mendelian pattern of inheritance -- Other means of monogenic inheritance -- Multifactorial (polygenic) disorders -- Visions for the future --
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II. Child concepts and application --
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III. Health promotion and health maintenance through childhood -- 9. Concepts of health promotion and health maintenance -- Definitions of health promotion and health maintenance -- Application of resilience and ecologic theories -- Health supervision in the pediatric healthcare home -- Components of health promotion and health maintenance visits -- 10. Health promotion and health maintenance of the newborn -- Early contacts with the family -- General observations -- Growth and developmental surveillance -- Nutrition -- Physical activity -- Oral health -- Mental and spiritual health -- Relationships -- Disease prevention strategies -- Injury prevention strategies -- 11. Health promotion and health maintenance of the infant -- Early contacts with the family -- General observations -- Growth and developmental surveillance -- Nutrition -- Physical activity -- Oral health -- Mental and spiritual health -- Relationships -- Disease prevention strategies -- Injury prevention strategies -- 12. Health promotion and health maintenance of the toddler and preschooler -- General observations -- Growth and developmental surveillance -- Nutrition -- Physical activity -- Oral health -- Mental and spiritual health -- Relationships -- Disease prevention strategies -- Injury prevention strategies -- 13. Health promotion and health maintenance of the school-age child -- General observations -- Growth and developmental surveillance -- Nutrition -- Physical activity -- Oral health -- Mental and spiritual health -- Self-concept -- Sexuality -- Sleep -- School -- Mental health disorders -- Spiritual health -- Relationships -- Disease prevention strategies -- Injury prevention strategies -- 14. Health promotion and health maintenance of the adolescent -- General observations -- Growth and developmental surveillance -- Nutrition -- Physical activity -- Oral health -- Mental and spiritual health -- Self-concept -- Sexuality -- Sleep -- School -- Mental health disorders -- Spiritual health -- Relationships -- Disease prevention strategies -- Injury prevention strategies --
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IV. Child healthcare settings and considerations -- 15. Nursing care of the child in the community -- Community-based health care -- Roles of nurse in community settings -- Assessment of community needs and resources -- Emergency medical services for children -- Disaster preparedness -- 16. Nursing care of the hospitalized child -- Effects of hospitalization on children and their families -- Nurse's role in the child's adaptation to hospitalization -- Nursing care of the hospitalized child -- Strategies to promote coping and normal development of the hospitalized child -- Preparation for home care -- 17. Pain assessment and management -- Acute pain -- Collaborative care -- Chronic pain -- Sedation and pain management for medical procedures --
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V. Health conditions : episodic to end-of-life -- 18..Social and environmental influences on the child and adolescent -- Theoretical frameworks -- Social influences on child health -- Poverty -- Homelessness -- Stress -- Families -- School and child care -- Community -- Culture -- Lifestyle activities and their influences on child health -- Substance use -- Tobacco use -- Alcohol use -- Drug use -- Physical inactivity/sedentary behavior -- Injury and protective equipment -- Body art -- Sexual orientation -- Effects of violence -- Schools and communities -- War and terrorism -- Bullying -- Incarceration -- Abandoned babies -- Hazing -- Domestic violence -- Dating violence -- Child abuse -- Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy -- Environmental influences on child health -- Disasters -- Environmental contaminants -- Poisoning -- Ingestion of foreign objects -- Lead poisoning -- 19. Immunizations and communicable diseases -- Communicable disease as a health problem -- Immunization -- Etiology and pathophysiology -- Infectious and communicable diseases in infants and children -- Sepsis -- Emerging infection control threats -- Pandemic flu -- Bioterrorism threats -- 20. Nursing care of the child with a chronic condition -- General concepts in the care of a child with a chronic condition -- The family of a child with a chronic condition -- Stressors on the family -- The child with a chronic condition -- Nurse's reactions to care of children with a chronic condition -- 21. Nursing care of the child with a life-threatening illness or injury -- Life-threatening illness or injury -- Settings encountered by children with a life-threatening condition -- Child's experience of a life-threatening illness or injury -- Parent's experience of a child's life-threatening illness or injury -- The siblings' experience -- 22. End-of-life care and bereavement -- Concepts of loss and death -- The child's experience with death and loss -- Factors influencing family responses to death and loss -- Culture -- Faith-based beliefs and spirituality -- Grief and bereavement -- End-of-life considerations and decision making -- Palliative care -- Advance care planning -- Hospice care -- Ethical issues surrounding a child's death -- Withdrawing or withholding treatment -- Conflicts regarding parental refusal of treatment -- Do not resuscitate orders -- Euthanasia -- End-of-life nursing car for the dying child -- Family care after the death of a child -- Nurses' reactions to caring for the children who die --
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VI. Nursing care of specific health conditions -- 23.Alterations in fluid electrolyte and acid-base balance -- 24. Alterations in eye, ear, nose, and throat function -- 25. Alterations in respiratory function -- Apnea -- Croup -- Chronic lung diseases -- 26. Alterations in cardiovascular function -- Congenital heart disease -- Congestive heart failure -- Cardiomyopathy -- Heart transplantation -- Pulmonary artery hypertension -- Cardiac arrhythmias -- Dyslipidemia -- Hypertension -- 27. Alterations in immune function -- Immunodeficiency disorders -- Autoimmune disorders -- Allergic reactions -- 28. Alterations in hematologic function -- Anemia -- Bleeding disorders -- Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) -- 29. Alterations in cellular growth -- Childhood cancer -- Solid tumors -- Leukemia -- 30. Alterations in gastrointestinal function -- Hernias -- Ostomies -- Inflammatory disorders -- Disorders of motility -- Intestinal parasitic disorders -- Feeding disorders -- Malabsorption -- Hepatic disorders -- 31. Alterations in genitourinary function -- Renal disorders -- Sexually transmitted infections -- 32. Alterations in endocrine and metabolic function -- Pituitary -- Thyroid -- Parathyroid -- Adrenal function -- Pancreatic function -- Gonadal function -- Sex chromosome abnormalities -- Inborn errors of metabolism -- 33. Alterations in neurological function -- Altered states of consciousness -- Seizures - Infectious diseases -- Headaches -- Cerebral palsy -- Neonatal abstinence syndrome - 34. Alterations in mental health and cognition -- Developmental and behavioral disorders -- Mood disorders -- Anxiety and related disorders -- Suicide -- TIC disorders and Tourette Syndrome -- Trichotillomania -- Schizophrenia -- Cognitive disorders -- 35 Alterations in musculoskeletal function -- Disorders of feet and legs -- Hip -- Spine -- Bones and joints -- Muscular dystrophies -- 36. Alterations in skin integrity -- Skin lesions -- Dermatitis -- Infectious disorders -- Chronic skin conditions -- Vesiculobullous skin disorders -- Infestations -- Birthmarks -- Hemangiomas -- Pressure ulcers -- Burns -- Sunburn --