1 Hydrologic Principles -- 1.1 Introduction to Hydrology -- 1.2 Weather Systems -- 1.3 Precipitation -- 1.4 The Hydrologic Cycle -- 1.5 Simple Rainfall-Runoff -- 1.6 Streamflow and the Hydrograph -- 1.7 Hydrograph Analysis -- 1.8 Hydrologic Measurement -- 2 Hydrologic Analysis -- 2.1 Watershed Concepts -- 2.2 Unit Hydrograph Theory -- 2.3 Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Development -- 2.4 Applications of Unit Hydrographs -- 2.5 Linear and Kinematic Wave Models -- 2.6 Hydrologic Loss --Evaporation and ET -- 2.7 Hydrologic Loss --Infiltration -- 2.8 Green and Ampt Infiltration Method -- 2.9 Snowfall and Snowmelt -- 3 Frequency Analysis -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Probability Concepts -- 3.3 Random Variables and Probability Distributions -- 3.4 Return Period or Recurrence Interval -- 3.5 Common Probabilistic Models -- 3.6 Graphical Presentation of Data -- 3.7 Regional Analysis -- 4 Flood Routing -- 4.1 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Routing -- 4.2 Hydrologic River Routing -- 4.3 Hydrologic Reservoir Routing -- 4.4 Governing Equations for Hydraulic River Routing -- 4.5 Movement of a Flood Wave -- 4.6 Kinematic Wave Routing -- 4.7 Hydraulic River Routing -- 5 Hydrologic Simulation Models -- 5.1 Introduction to Hydrologic Models -- 5.2 Steps in Watershed Modeling -- 5.3 Description of Major Hydrologic Models -- 5.4 HEC-HMS Flood Hydrograph Models -- 5.5 Application of HEC-HMS to Watersheds -- 5.6 HEC-HMS Watershed Analysis: Case Study -- 6 Urban Hydrology -- 6.1 Characteristics of Urban Hydrology -- 6.2 Review of Physical Processes -- 6.3 Rainfall Analysis in Urban Basins -- 6.4 Methods for Quantity Analysis -- 6.5 Sewer System Hydraulics -- 6.6 Control Options -- 6.7 Operational Computer Models -- 6.8 Case Study -- 7 Floodplain Hydraulics -- 7.1 Uniform Flow -- 7.2 Uniform Flow Computations -- 7.3 Specific Energy and Critical Flow -- 7.4 Occurrence of Critical Depth -- 7.5 Nonuniform Flow or Gradually Varied Flow -- 7.6 Gradually Varied Flow Equations -- 7.7 Classification of Water Surface Profiles -- 7.8 Hydraulic Jump -- 7.9 Introduction to the HEC-RAS Model -- 7.10 Theoretical Basis for HEC-RAS -- 7.11 Basic Data Requirements (Steady State) -- 7.12 Optional HEC-RAS Capabilities -- 7.13 Bridge Modeling in HEC-RAS -- 7.14 HEC-RAS Features.
Text of Note
8 Ground Water Hydrology -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Properties of Ground Water -- 8.3 Ground Water Movement -- 8.4 Flow Nets -- 8.5 General Flow Equations -- 8.6 Dupuit Equation -- 8.7 Streamlines and Equipotential Lines -- 8.8 Unsaturated Flow -- 8.9 Steady-State Well Hydraulics -- 8.10 Unsteady Well Hydraulics -- 8.11 Water Wells -- 8.12 Ground Water Modeling Techniques -- 9 Design Applications in Hydrology -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Drainage Collection Systems -- 9.3 Design of Culverts -- 9.4 Detention Basins Used to Mitigate Project Impacts -- 9.5 Floodplain Management Design Issues -- 10 GIS Applications in Hydrology -- 10.1 Introduction to GIS -- 10.2 General GIS Concepts -- 10.3 Digital Representation Hydrologic Parameters -- 10.4 Digital Representation of Topography -- 10.5 GIS-Based Hydrology and Hydraulics -- 10.6 Common GIS Software Programs -- 11 Radar Rainfall Applications in Hydrology -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Radar Estimation of Rainfall -- 11.3 Nexrad (WSR-88D) Radar System -- 11.4 Gage Adjustment of Radar -- 11.5 Hydrologic Applications -- 12 Severe Storm Impacts and Flood Management -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Flood Management Issues and Basic Terminology -- 12.3 Structural and Nonstructural Methods of Flood Control -- 12.4 The Flood Control Paradox -- 12.5 Major Gulf Hurricanes: Katrina and Ike -- 12.6 Improved Strategies Toward Flood Management Summary References -- 13 Case Studies in Hydrologic Engineering: Water Resource Projects -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 The City of San Antonio Deep in the Heart of Texas -- 13.3 The Colorado River Taming the Wild West -- 13.4 Across the Pond The River Thames -- 13.5 Global Climate Change and Water Resources -- Appendix A Symbols and Notation -- Appendix B Conversion Factors -- Appendix C Properties of Water -- Appendix D Normal Distribution Tables -- Appendix E Useful Hydrology-Related Internet Links.