Multiculturalism and the criminal justice system /
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Robert D. Hanser, University of Louisiana, Monroe, Michael Gomila, University of Louisiana, Monroe.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Boston :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxii, 410 pages :
Other Physical Details
illustrations ;
26 cm
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
1. Minorities, diversity, multiculturalism, globalization, and the criminal justice system -- Defining the term "minority" -- Defining cultural diversity -- Multiculturalism and globalization -- Immigration and the influx of differing cultures -- Immigration issues (Mexico) -- Immigration issues (Asian immigrants) -- The combined impact of Latino and Asian immigration -- The challenge to law enforcement -- The impact of the global community on American jurisprudence -- Implications for the American criminal justice system -- Homegrown challenges, historical trauma, and minority groups -- Historical trauma and Native Americans -- Historical trauma and African Americans -- 2. Assimilation, acculturation, stereotyping, and classism in a democratic society -- What is cultural competence? -- A brief discussion of race and ethnicity -- Acculturation, assimilation, social integration, and multiculturalism -- Personal attributes and assimilation -- Melting pot or myth : is there an American way of life? -- Social dominance and disparities -- Stereotyping behavior -- Institutional racism and racial bias in American history -- Skin color and bias -- Criminal justice disparities -- Law enforcement and arrests -- Minorities and racial profiling -- Sentencing disparities -- Disparities of incarceration -- Lack of reentry services -- 3. Minorities based on age and disability -- The elderly and impaired as minority groups -- Age discrimination -- disability discrimination -- Disabilities common to the criminal justice system -- Mental impairments -- Mental retardation -- Psychosis and psychotic disorders -- Mood disorders : major depression -- Dementia : Alzheimer's disease -- Mentally ill offenders -- Access to care : the four standards of mental health care -- Physical disabilities -- Hearing and visual impairments -- The elderly as criminal justice employees -- The disabled as criminal justice employees -- Traumatic stress and police agencies -- Exemptions for criminal justice agencies, litigation, and client remedies -- The disabled as victims of crime -- The elderly as victims of crime -- Elder financial and property crimes -- Elder suicide -- Elderly offenders -- Elderly inmates -- Special consideration for elders
Text of Note
10. Corrections, classism, poverty, and minority groups -- Institutions of confinement -- The rationale behind the use of jails -- Debtor's gaols -- Workhouses, poorhouses, and houses of correction -- Transportation -- The prison -- Hospitals and asylums -- Modern asylums -- Slavery -- Race-based slavery : the myth of inferiority -- Modern minorities within the prison system -- Behavioral illnesses as a minority status -- Persons with addictions -- The substance addiction-crime connection -- Persons with mental illnesses -- Immigrants -- Detainment on arrival -- Post-arrival arrest/imprisonment -- The newest immigrants : Hispanic Americans -- Middle Eastern Muslims -- Asian Americans -- African Americans -- The poor/undereducated -- Religion in corrections : general rights to minority religious beliefs -- Legality of "non-traditional" religions -- Religious diets and holy days -- 11. Corrections and minorities : minorities, gang affiliation, gender, and staff issues -- The War on Drugs and the era of drug criminalization -- Minorities and incarceration -- Women and incarceration -- Institutional racism and corrections -- History of minority treatment in imprisonment -- The convict least system (1865-1910) -- The trusty system (1910-1975) -- Chain gangs -- Old school corrections, prison reform, and LSP Angola during the trusty system -- Types of modern prison facilities and Affirmative Action -- Correctional workers -- The racial composition of correctional officers -- The gender composition of correctional officers -- The need of bilingual workers -- Diversity training programs in corrections -- Race and prison -- Racial segregation case law -- Prison gangs : structured along racial lines of allegiance -- Religion and prison -- Staff an inmate dynamics : prison culture and prisonization -- The prison subculture and women in corrections : both inmate and staff subculture -- Sexual orientation and corrections -- Male prison hierarchies and sexual victimization -- Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 -- Implementing organizational change to counteract the prison subculture -- Cross-racial inmate and staff supervision -- Education and training of staff -- 12. Juvenile minority wellness and health disparities, gender, sexual identity, youth culture, and social class -- Health and wellness among juveniles -- Family -- Education -- Violence in schools as wellness indicator -- Sexual activity and the juvenile population -- Gender as a minority status among juveniles -- Teenage mothers and unwanted pregnancies -- Impact of racial discrimination on health and wellness of juvenile minorities -- Sexual minority youth -- Sexual minority youth who carry a gun to school -- Sexual minority youth and reports of physical fights at school -- Sexual minority youth and sexual assault -- Sexual minority youth and attempted suicide -- Peer groups, subculture, minority issues, and socialization -- Culturally relevant considerations -- Social class, poverty, and the underclass
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13. Types of juvenile offending, gang affiliation by race and gender, and disproportionate minority contact in the juvenile system -- Rates and types of offending by age and gender -- DMC in the Juvenile Justice system -- DMC at all stages of the justice system -- social contexts associated with juvenile minorities -- Youth composition of gangs and reasons for joining -- Minority youth, gang involvement, and reasons for joining -- Gangs and racial affiliation -- Gangs and juvenile females -- Youth, gangs, and corrections -- Female juveniles in custody -- Disparity in juvenile detention and incarceration -- Factors that contribute to disparate minority confinement -- A model program to respond to minority juveniles in secure environments -- Prevention and intervention efforts needed in the future -- 14. Cultural competence training, assessment, and evaluation of cultural competence, and evidence-based practices in cultural competent agencies -- Assessing agency cultural competence -- Implementation of agency cultural competence -- Cultural competence training in large and small agencies -- Training beyond the classroom and using ill-structured problems in developing cultural competence -- Beyond the training : individual staff recognition for utilizing culturally competent practices -- Evaluation research and cultural competence in the agency -- Implementation evaluation -- Process evaluation -- Outcome evaluation -- Program quality and staffing quality -- Feedback loops and continual improvement -- Community harm with ineffective programs, separating politics from science in the evaluative process -- Evidence-based principles -- Assess the needs of organizational participants -- Enhance motivation of participants -- Target operational changes -- Provide skill training for staff and monitor their delivery of services -- Increase positive reinforcement -- Engage ongoing support -- Measure relevant processes/practices -- Provide measurement feedback -- Individual case-level implementation of EBP -- Agency-level implementation of EBPs -- System-level implementation of EBPs -- Research evaluation for effectiveness of EBPs -- 15. Future trends in criminal justice -- Continued globalization -- Emphasis on cultural competence -- Continued reliance on community involvement and community justice -- Police will need increased knowledge about immigrant populations and younger populations -- Movement away from prisons toward community supervision -- Disable/elderly offender populations will continue to increase and be shifted to community supervision -- Sentencing may become more indeterminate in nature -- Early prevention of criminal behavior/addictions will continue to be promoted -- Drug enforcement strategy will be adjusted to represent demand-side strategies -- Treatment strategy will become of greater importance as enforcement strategy changes -- Strong emphasis on reentry -- Continued development of varied supervision/community techniques.
Text of Note
4. Minorities based on gender and sexual preference -- Women in the criminal justice field -- Women in law enforcement -- Women in corrections -- Women in the judicial system -- Women in the juvenile justice system -- The Glass Ceiling -- Women as supervisors in the criminal justice system -- Violence against women -- Crime Victim's Movement -- Violence Against Women Act -- Domestic violence -- Demographics of the female offender -- Other issues associated with the female offender -- Physical and/or sexual abuse -- Sex industry activity -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- Drug abuse --Mental health issues among female offenders -- The female offender as single mother -- Separation between mother and child -- Negative effect on children -- Gay and lesbian employees of the criminal justice system -- Lifestyle -- Professionalism in agencies -- Coping for gay/lesbian employees in paramilitary agencies -- An organizational culture of tolerance -- Discrimination in the professional setting -- Hate crimes against the gay and lesbian population -- Violent actions -- Sexual harassment -- Other forms of victimization -- Victim characteristics -- Victimization of LGBT offenders in prisons -- Responses to anti-gay crime -- 5. Cultural competence and intercultural communication -- The spectrum of competency : the Cultural Competence Continuum -- An overview of the six states of the Cultural Competence continuum -- Cultural competence : common issues facing diverse minority groups -- Generational status in the United States -- Degree of acculturation and assimilation -- Comfort with and competence in English -- Religious beliefs and cultural value orientation -- Intercultural communication -- Intercultural communication : early studies and prospective research -- The impact of schemas on intercultural communication -- Intercultural communication and linguistic competence -- Availability of trained bilingual and bicultural staff -- Dissemination of crime-fighting information -- Language and sign-language interpretation -- Cross-racial issues -- Multi-linguistic issues in interviewing and interrogations -- Intercultural communication with citizen relations and agency operations -- 6. Law enforcement and minorities : specific demographic groups, victims, and offenders -- African Americans -- Slavery in the Colonies and later United States -- The end of slavery in the United States -- The modern-day African American community -- Structural racism -- Marginalization of African Americans -- Historical victimization -- Impact of structural racism, crime, violence, and criminal justice -- African Americans and law enforcement -- Racial profiling, policing, and the African American community -- Latino Americans -- Mexican Americans -- Immigration concerns -- Puerto Ricans -- Cuban Americans -- Native Americans -- Native American values -- Native American victimization -- Unique legal status -- Asian Americans -- Difficulties and challenges in establishing a rapport -- Generational status in the United States -- Asian American crime victimization -- Domestic violence in Asian American families -- Asian American criminal activity -- Middle Eastern Americans -- Iranians and Turks -- Arab Americans -- Victimization of Middle Eastern Americans -- Minority victims of crime -- Minority offenders and the police
Text of Note
7. Law enforcement and minorities : community relations, hiring, and training -- Trust-building and community involvement -- challenges specific to immigrant communities -- Language barriers -- Reluctance to report crime -- Fear of police -- Federal immigration enforcement can affect local trust-building efforts -- Individual officers can damage a department's efforts -- Lack of awareness of cultural differences -- A model police response to immigrant communities -- Recruitment and hiring of minorities in policing -- Benefits of diversity -- Commitment to hiring -- Legal considerations -- Planning and techniques -- Community involvement -- Broadening the recruiting age pool : hiring the young and old -- Minority retention in policing -- Diversity training in police agencies -- Immigrant-specific diversity training -- Multiculturalism and volunteerism in policing -- Bilingual volunteer assistance -- Cultural liaisons -- Immigrant communities and ethnic-specific responses -- 8. The courts and the minorities -- The myth of colorblindness -- Implicit bias within the courtroom -- Overview of the American Court System -- Methods for selecting judges -- Tribal courts -- An overview of sentencing circles -- Goals -- Implementation --Special courts that affect minorities -- Juvenile courts -- Family courts -- Elder courts -- Drug courts -- Mental health courts -- Diversity and the courts -- Judicial professionals and cultural competence -- Minority legal representation : minority public defenders -- NOtable historic minority judiciary figures -- William Henry Hastie, Jr. -- Thurgood Marshall -- Frank Howell Seay and Michael Burrage -- Florence Ellinwood Allen -- Sonia Sotomayor -- Sandra Day O'Conner -- Lance Ito -- Reynaldo Guerra Garza -- Herbert Young Choy -- Constance Baker Motley -- Eric Hampton Holder -- Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. -- Diversity and the bench : some additional comments -- 9. Minorities in the court system -- Minority defendants and legal representation -- Historical precedence : Scottsboro Case -- Historical case : Gideon v. Wainwright -- The current indigent defender system -- Racial minorities and bail-making decisions -- Bail discriminations -- Prosecutorial discretion -- Initial screenings -- Dismissal -- Charge reduction -- Plea bargaining -- Jury selection and minorities -- Voir Dire -- Jury nullification -- Disparity and discrimination in sentencing procedures -- Discrimination continuum -- Crime as an intra-racial phenomenon -- Minority sentencing issues -- Death penalty convictions -- Race of offender and victim in death penalty cases
Criminal justice, Administration of-- United States.
Discrimination in criminal justice administration-- United States.
Multiculturalism-- United States.
Criminal justice, Administration of.
Discrimination in criminal justice administration.