Includes bibliographical references (pages 410-419) and index.
Text of Note
Ch. 1. The Understanding of Society -- Ch. 2. Functionalism. pt. 1. Talcott Parsons: Grand Theory. pt. 2. Robert K. Merton: Middle-Range Theory. pt. 3. Neofunctionalism -- Ch. 3. Conflict Theory. pt. 1. Conflict Theory and the Critique of Society. pt. 2. Conflict Theory and Analytic Sociology: The Legacy of Max Weber -- Ch. 4. Symbolic Interactionism. pt. 1. George Herbert Mead: The Self. pt. 2. Herbert Blumer: Interpretation and Methodology. pt. 3. Erving Goffman: Dramaturgy and the Interaction Order. pt. 4. Arlie Russell Hochschild and Patricia Hill Collins: Expanding the Horizons of Symbolic Interactionism -- Ch. 5. Phenomenology. pt. 1. Harold Garfinkel: The Founder of Ethnomethodology. pt. 2. Peter Berger: The Social Construction of Reality. pt. 3. Dorothy Smith: Feminist Standpoint Theory -- Ch. 6. Theories of Rational Choice. pt. 1. Rational Choice and Individual Behavior. pt. 2. Rational Choice and the Analysis of Social Structure -- Ch. 7. Alternative Perspectives. pt. 1. Structuralism. pt. 2. Structuration Theory: Anthony Giddens. pt. 3. Rediscovering the Body -- Ch. 8. Conclusion. pt. 1. Social Theory and Understanding: The Value of Multiple Perspectives. pt. 2. Historical Trends.