Intro; Title page; Table of Contents; Copyright; Contributors; Part IV: Power System and Quality; Chapter 13: Active Rectifiers and Their Control; Abstract; 13.1 Introduction; 13.2 Harmonic Emission Standard and Measures; 13.3 Application-Oriented Design; 13.4 Control Strategies; 13.5 Nonideal Operating Conditions; 13.6 Future Prospective; Chapter 14: Power Converters for Power Quality Improvement; Abstract; 14.1 Introduction; 14.2 Control Mechanism of Parallel Active Power Filter; 14.3 DC Side Capacitor Design for Active Power Filter; 14.4 Filter Inductor Design [7-9]
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14.5 Improved Control Strategy for Power Quality Improvement14.6 Conclusions; Chapter 15: Voltage Source Converters for Large-Scale Power System Control; Abstract; 15.1 Introduction; 15.2 Conventional Multilevel Converters; 15.3 AC-DC and DC-AC Conversion Based on the Modular Multilevel Converter; 15.4 DC-DC Conversion Based on the Modular Multilevel Converter; 15.5 AC-AC Conversion Based on the Modular Multilevel Converter; 15.6 Conclusions; Chapter 16: Current Source Converters and Their Control; Abstract; 16.1 Introduction; 16.2 Current Source Converters and Their Applications
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16.3 PWM of CSC16.4 Design Example on High-Power Current Source Converters for Active Grid Harmonics Mitigation; 16.5 Conclusions; Chapter 17: Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) and Its Control; Abstract; 17.1 Introduction; 17.2 Advanced Control Schemes of the MMC; 17.3 Alternative Families of MMCs and Future Trends; 17.4 Conclusion; Chapter 18: AC and DC Microgrid Control; Abstract; 18.1 Introduction; 18.2 Classification of Power Converters in AC and DC MGs; 18.3 AC Microgrid Control; 18.4 DC Microgrid Control; 18.5 Conclusion; Chapter 19: Control of Smart Grid Architecture; Abstract
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21.1 Introduction21.2 Induction Heating Power Systems; 21.3 Modeling and Control; 21.4 Design Example; 21.5 Conclusions; Part VI: Mobility; Chapter 22: Theory and Control of Wireless Power Transfer Systems; Abstract; 22.1 Introduction; 22.2 Fundamentals of IPT; 22.3 Control of IPT Systems; 22.4 Conclusion; Chapter 23: Power Electronic Systems and Control in Automobiles; Abstract; 23.1 Power Electronic Systems in Electrified Vehicles; 23.2 Control of Traction Inverter; 23.3 Control of Boost Converter and Constant Power Load; 23.4 Control of LV Battery Charger APM
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AcknowledgmentsNomenclature; 19.1 Microgrid Optimization Model; 19.2 Uncertainty Management; 19.3 Modeling Example; 19.4 Conclusions; Part V: Appliances; Chapter 20: Single-Phase Induction Motor and AC Drives; Abstract; 20.1 Introduction to the Single-Phase Induction Motor; 20.2 Working Principle of the Single-Phase Induction Motor; 20.3 Modeling of the Single-Phase Induction Motor; 20.4 Basic Supply Methods for SPIM; 20.5 Power Electronic Device-Based AC Drives Topology for Variable Speed Control Strategy; 20.6 Simulation Examples; 20.7 Conclusions; Chapter 21: Induction Heating; Abstract
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Control of Power Electronic Converters, Volume Two gives the theory behind power electronic converter control and discusses the operation, modelling and control of basic converters. The main components of power electronics systems that produce a desired effect (energy conversion, robot motion, etc.) by controlling system variables (voltages and currents) are thoroughly covered. Both small (mobile phones, computer power supplies) and very large systems (trains, wind turbines, high voltage power lines) and their power ranges, from the Watt to the Gigawatt, are presented and explored. Users will find a focused resource on how to apply innovative control techniques for power converters and drives.
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Control of power electronic converters and systems. Volume 2.