Data types, variables, and constants -- Functions, scopes, namespaces, and headers -- Operators -- The preprocessor and comments -- Keyword summary -- The standard C I/O functions -- The string and character functions -- The C mathematical functions -- The C++ mathematical functions -- Time, date, and localization functions -- The dynamic allocation functions -- Miscellaneous functions -- The wide-character functions -- The old-style C++ I/O system -- The ANSI/ISO standard C++ I/O classes -- The C++ standard template library -- The C++ string, exception, complex, and pair classes -- Library features added by C99 -- The .NET managed extensions to C++
Text of Note
This guide reviews the rules and syntax of the principle commands that comprise C and its object-oriented cousin; C++. The reference consists of 19 chapters that define operators and the standard input/output; string; character; and more. --