Copyright; Contents; PART 1 Welcome to Grammarland; CHAPTER 1 Parts of Speech; Adjectives; Adverbs; Conjunctions; Interjections; Nouns; Prepositions; Pronouns; Verbs; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; CHAPTER 2 Using Pronouns Correctly; Overview of Pronoun Case; Using the Nominative Case; Using the Objective Case; Using the Possessive Case; Three Other Rules for Using Pronouns; Use Correct Pronoun Reference; The Generic Masculine Pronoun; Using Who, Which, That; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; CHAPTER 3 Using Verbs Correctly; Overview of Verb Functions; The Six Verb Tenses; Regular and Irregular Verbs.
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CHAPTER 10 PunctuationApostrophes; Brackets; Colons; Commas; Dashes; Ellipsis; Exclamation Marks; Hyphens; Parentheses; Periods; Question Marks; Quotation Marks; Semicolons; Slashes; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; CHAPTER 11 Capitalization and Abbreviations; Avoiding Capital Offenses: The Rules of Capitalization; Capitalize Names and Titles; Capitalize Names of Places and Events; Capitalize Names of Languages and Religions; Capitalize Proper Adjectives and Product Names; Capitalize Names of Organizations, Institutions, Courses, and Famous Buildings; Capitalize Names of Days, Months, and Holidays.
Text of Note
How to Use TensesActive and Passive Voice; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; PART 2 Usage and Abusage; CHAPTER 4 Using Adjectives and Adverbs Correctly; Is It an Adjective or an Adverb?; Positive, Comparative, and Superlative Degrees of Comparison; Comparing with Adjectives and Adverbs; Using Predicate Adjectives after Linking Verbs; Double Negatives; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; CHAPTER 5 Agreement:Matching Sentence Parts; Like Peas in a Pod; A Singular Subject Must Have a Singular Verb; A Plural Subject Must Have a Plural Verb; Collective Nouns and Indefinite Pronouns.
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Infinitive PhrasesOverview of Clauses; Dependent Clauses; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; CHAPTER 8 Writing Correct and Complete Sentences; What is a Sentence?; The Four Different Sentence Functions; The Four Different Sentence Types; Choosing Sentence Types; Sentence Errors: Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices; Sentence Errors: Fragments; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; CHAPTER 9 Sentence Coordination and Subordination; Coordinating Sentence Parts; Subordinating Sentence Parts; Coordination versus Subordination; Parallel Structure; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; PART 4 A Writer's Tools.
Text of Note
Special Problems in AgreementAgreement of Pronouns and Antecedents; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; CHAPTER 6 The 25 Most Common Usage Problems; Top Trouble Spots in Writing; Most Common Grammar and Usage Errors; Most Common Sentence Errors; Most Common Spelling Errors; Most Common Punctuation Errors; Most Common Capitalization Errors; Most Common Proofreading Errors; Improve Your Writing, One Step at a Time; It's a Wrap; Test Yourself; PART 3 Sentence Sense; CHAPTER 7 Phrases and Clauses; Overview of Phrases; Prepositional Phrases; Appositives and Appositive Phrases; Verbal Phrases.
Text of Note
Presents easy-to-understand grammar instruction designed to develop writing and speaking skills, and contains lessons on basic parts of speech, correct usage of pronouns and verbs, sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization, and common usage problems.
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OverDrive, Inc.
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OverDrive, Inc.
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English grammar for the utterly confused.
English language-- Grammar.
English language-- Usage.
English language-- Grammar.
English language-- Usage.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- General.