What is Catholicism? -- Faith and its outcomes: theology, doctrine, discipleship -- The human condition today -- Understandings of human existence -- A theology of human existence: nature, grace, original sin -- Belief and unbelief: the search for God -- Revelation: God's self-disclosure to us -- The triune God -- God: special questions -- Religion and its varieties -- Christ and contemporary culture -- The Christ of the New Testament -- The Christ of postbiblical theology and doctrine -- The Christ of contemporary theology -- Special questions in Christology -- The church of the New Testament -- The church in history -- The church of the Second Vatican Council -- The church in contemporary theology and doctrine -- Special questions in ecclesiology -- The sacraments in general -- The sacraments of initiation: baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist -- The sacraments of healing: penance and anointing of the sick -- The sacraments of vocation and commitment: matrimony and holy order -- Christian morality: a historical perspective -- Foundations of Christian morality -- Christian morality: special questions -- Christian spirituality -- Worship: liturgy, prayer, devotions -- Mary and the saints -- The last things -- Catholicism: a synthesis.
Text of Note
Examines the character of the contemporary Catholic Church, the roots of the present crisis in Catholicism, and the Catholic doctrines concerning human existence, Jesus Christ, Christian existence, and the nature and mission of the Church.