Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Chapter 1 Introduction-race: the achilles heel of a movement; References; Chapter 2 Beginnings: the subtleties of race in conservative politics; Black conservatism legacy; The nationalists versus the multinationalists; Dwight Eisenhower and the emergence of the republican party's southern strategy; The racist right of the 1950s; Twin pillars of white discontent; Barry Goldwater, and the use of the southern strategy to create a subtler racial politics; George Wallace's impact on the southernization of american conservatism; References
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Avenues for the African American Christian right to join with their white counterparts; Racial reconciliation part one: the Southern Baptist Convention's resolution; racial reconciliation part two: the promise keepers; The Christian Coalition: good Samaritans; Faith-based policy and compassionate conservatism; Grassroots activism in the culture wars; The entrepreneurial minister on a mission: the Rev. Floyd Flake; The future of the white and black religious right coalition; References: Chapter 9 Epilogue-looking back, looking forward: the future of black conservatism in the twenty-first century; References
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Black republicans: a captured group; Evasion and avoidance: the struggles of African American republicans with the party's efforts to organize African Americans; Black republicans as an electorally trapped group; The political challenges of African American republican office holders and aspirants; Blacks and the tea party; The Obama presidency and the crisis of a conservative, Color-blind, black politics; Conclusion; References; Chapter 7 The creation of the black conservative intelligentsia and its impact on black America; The nuts and bolts of becoming a public intellectual
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Chapter 3 The new "color blind" conservatism: creating an intellectual infrastructure; Winning minds and hearts: the birth of the new right; Building a public opinion voice: liberals mugged by neoconservative intellectuals; The creation of a color-blind discourse; Neoconservatives critique of new left movements; The building of the conservative intellectual infrastructure; Here come God's warriors: reaching out to the religious right; Reagan leads the american right to the promised land: identifying black conservative intellectuals; References
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Chapter 4 Stop the genocide! Save the race: the anti-abortion movement within the African American community; Conservative women as black organic intellectuals; Strategic borrowing to create an organizational framework; Discourse and ideology: framing the rationale against abortion; Abortion is slavery; Abortion is racial genocide; The relationship between African Americans, African American pro-lifers, and the white pro-life movement; Challenges to the African American anti-abortion movement; References
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Chapter 5 Fight against the "special rights" movement and end the mis-education of black children: support school vouchers!; The anti-gay rights movement; The racialized discourse of the anti-gay rights movement; School choice and vouchers programs; Matriarch of the African American school voucher movement Annette "Polly" Williams; Williams ruffles feathers; References; Chapter 6 Chasing fools Gold: African Americans and the party of Lincoln; A party devoid of black support and votes; The GOP's lack of connection with the post-civil rights generation of African Americans
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The golden boy: John McWhorter on the racial educational achievement gap; Themes in american conservative thought; The adoption of white society's outlook toward blacks; Support for positions that are often incompatible with black interests; All is not well in paradise: a black conservative intellectual scorned; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8 Rolling rightward: the African American religious right; Factors within the religious movement that have produced the black religious right; The electric church; Mega churches; Spiritual capitalism; Factors within the conservative movement: political empowerment
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Providing an expansive view of the making and meaning of African American conservatism, this volume examines the phenomenon in four spheres: the political realm, the academic world, the black church, and grass-roots activism movements. In his analysis of their activities in these realms, Louis Prisock examines the challenges African American conservatives face as they operate within the context of (largely white) conservatism. At the same time that African American conservatives challenge the white conservative movement's principle of "colorblindness," they are accused of being "racial mascots," or tokens from those outside of it. Prisock unwinds the intricacies of black conservatives' relationships to both the wider conservative movement and the everyday life experiences of black Americans, showing that they are as vulnerable to the "inescability of race" as any other individual in a racialized America.
African Americans in conservative movements.
International Standard Book Number
African American politicians.
African Americans-- Politics and government.
Conservatism-- United States.
African American politicians.
African Americans-- Politics and government.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Civil Rights.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Human Rights.