Shifting corporealities in contemporary performance :
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
danger, im/mobility and politics /
First Statement of Responsibility
Marina Grzinic, Aneta Stojnic, editors.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Cham, Switzerland :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Palgrave Macmillan,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource (xviii, 334 pages)
Series Title
Avant-Gardes in Performance
Text of Note
Disciplinary Power.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Intro; Acknowledgments; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Images; Introduction; Part I: Shifting Corporealities from Biopolitics to Necropolitics; Reclaiming the Body: Fem Positions Repoliticized; Part One: Coloniality of the Body (Marina Gržinić); Necropolitics, Bare Life and Racialized Assemblages; Eisa Jocson: Sovereignty and Life; Synthesis; Part Two: Re-articulating Femininity (Aneta Stojnić); Performing Femininities: Queering the Drag; Coda; "We're Trying to Destroy the World": Anti-Blackness and Police Violence After Ferguson; Revolutionary Performances.
Text of Note
"Dangerous" ProximityDangerous Language and Localization; Violations of Dominant Symbols; Conclusion; The Appearance of Truth in Art: Body, Subjectivation and the Generic Life; Man Creates "in accordance with the laws of beauty"; To Live Artistically Involves a Radical Dehumanization of Art (A. Badiou); Invisible Mothers: Biopolitical Control in Ireland; Part IV: Decolonizing Disciplines, Decolonizing Regimes, Unruly Bodies; Disciplining as a Human Science; The "Human Problem"; Phenomenological Dialectics or Dialectical Phenomenology; Decolonizing Disciplines; Pedagogical Imperatives.
Text of Note
Part III: Technology and the Body in the Changed Scenery of Stagnation, Disposability and ImmobilityThe Mascot as Neoliberal Body: Kris Verdonck's UNTITLED; State of Necessity; Theatre as Apparatus in UNTITLED; The Mascot between Object and Subject; The Mascot in the Contemporary Crisis of Representation; Conclusion; "Dangerous" Choreopolitics of Labouring Bodies: Biopolitics and Choreopolitics in Conflict in the Act of Jana Natya Mandali in India; Introduction; Bio(power) of the Republic; Choreopolitics of JNM; Genealogical Danger; Corporeal Danger; Visceral Danger; The Armed Songs.
Text of Note
Part One: Reading Adham Hafez's Blog (Ramsay Burt)Aftermath; Conclusion; Part Two: Amchoreo Blog 2011: Just to Remember, Some Weeks Ago (Adham Hafez); Part II: Protest and Opposition: Performing Towards Provoking and Bypassing a Dissensus; Standing Still Dancing in a Circle: Performance Dissent and Failed Gestures in Public Protest; The State of Mortality; Violence or the Sacred; Defiant Gestures; Countering Persecution, Misconceptions, and Nationalism: Roma Identity and Contemporary Activist Art; Introduction; Old and Contemporary Myths and Visions of "The Gypsies."
Text of Note
Roma and/in the East: Lidija MirkovićExposing Nationalism and Racism in Central Europe: Marika Schmiedt; Conclusion; Performing Ideology: Communitas and Immunitas; Introduction; Examining Communization; Contesting Immunization; Reconstructing the Bodies: Between the Politics of Order and the Politics of Disorder; Disorder and Order: Rancière and Mouffe; Rupture and Engagement: The Case of Vanguard Movements in Art; The Articulation of Mise-en-sense into Mise-en-scène and Marlene Monteiro Freitas' Choreography; Redrawing Limits between the Intelligible and Abject Bodies.
Text of Note
This book investigates how contemporary artistic practices engage with the body and its intersection with political, technological, and ethical issues. Departing from the relationship between corporeality and performing arts (such as theater, dance, and performance), it turns to a pluriversal understanding of embodiment that resides in the extra violent conditions of contemporary global necro-capitalism in order to conduct a thorough analysis that goes beyond arts and culture. It brings together theoretical academic texts by established and emerging scholars alike, exposing perspectives form different fields (philosophy, cultural studies, performance studies, theater studies, and dance studies) as well as from different geopolitical contexts. Through a series of thematic clusters, the study explores the reactivation of the body as a site of a new meaning-making politics.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Springer Nature
Stock Number
Shifting Corporealities in Contemporary Performance : Danger, Im/mobility and Politics.