Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; ISOLA Code for Multiple-Point Source Modeling-Review; 1 Introduction; 2 Basics; 3 Short Outline of Theory; 4 Overview of Selected Applications; 5 Example Greece; 6 Example Brazil; 7 Frequently Asked Questions; Warnings; 8 Outlook; References; Seismic Moment Tensors in Anisotropic Media: A Review; 1 Introduction; 2 Theory; 2.1 Moment Tensor in Anisotropic Media; 2.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Tensors M and D; 2.3 Tensile Faulting in Isotropic Media Versus Shear Faulting in Anisotropic Media; 2.4 Inversion for Geometry of Faulting.
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2.5 Inversion for Anisotropy3 Numerical Modelling; 3.1 Non-DC Components Produced by Shear Faulting; 3.2 Spurious Rotation of a Fault Normal and Slip Direction; 4 Applications; 4.1 Acoustic Emissions in Anisotropic Rocks; 4.2 Microearthquakes Induced During the 2000 Fluid-Injection Experiment at the KTB Site, Germany; 4.3 Deep-Focus Earthquakes in the Tonga Subduction Zone; 5 Discussion and Conclusions; References; The Frequency-Domain Moment-Tensor Inversion: Retrieving the Complete Source Moment-Tensor Spectra and Time Histories; 1 Introduction; 2 Theory; 3 Methodology; 4 Examples.
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3 The CAP Inversion Method4 Stability Tests and Resolution Estimates; 5 Results and Discussion; 6 Concluding Remarks; References; The Method of Cataclastic Analysis of Discontinuous Displacements; 1 Introduction; 2 The Main Principles of the Method of Cataclastic Analysis of Discontinuous Displacements; 2.1 Model of the Medium and Process of Semi-brittle Deformation; 2.2 Energy Principles of the MCA; 3 The Homogeneous SKD Sample and the Tensor Increments for Seismotectonic Deformation; 3.1 The Criteria for Creating Homogeneous SKD Sample.
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3.2 Cumulative Area of the Elastic Unloading for a Set of Faults3.3 The Tensor Increments for Seismotectonic Strains; 4 The Calculation of the Stress Tensor (the Principal Stress Axes and the Lode-Nadai Coefficient). The First Stage of the MCA; 4.1 Requirement of Elastic Energy Dissipation-Graphical Algorithm of Realization; 4.2 The Graphic Way of Realizing the Principle of Ordering of Semi-brittle Deformation; 4.3 The Determination of the True Orientation of the Principal Axes of the Unknown Stress Tensor.
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4.1 An Underground Chemical Explosion4.2 An Explosion-Induced Mine Collapse; 4.3 Effects of Green's Functions on the Moment-Tensor Inversion; 5 Conclusions; References; Berkeley Seismic Moment Tensor Method, Uncertainty Analysis, and Study of Non-double-couple Seismic Events; 1 Introduction; 2 Method Overview; 3 Examples of Non-double-couple Events; 3.1 Non-double-couple Earthquake at Long Valley Caldera; 3.2 September 9, 2016 DPRK Nuclear Test; 4 Discussion and Conclusions; References; Estimating Stability and Resolution of Waveform Inversion Focal Mechanisms; 1 Introduction; 2 Data.
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The book first focuses on the explanation of the theory about focal mechanisms and moment tensor solutions and their role in the modern seismology. The second part of the book compiles several state-of-the-art case studies in different seismotectonic settings of the planet. The assessment of seismic hazard and the reduction of losses due to future earthquakes is probably the most important contribution of seismology to society. In this regard, the understanding of reliable determination seismic source and of its uncertainty can play a key role in contributing to geodynamic investigation, seismic hazard assessment and earthquake studies. In the last two decades, the use of waveforms recorded at local-to-regional distances has increased considerably. Waveform modeling has been used also to estimate faulting parameters of small-to-moderate sized earthquakes.