Intro; Contents; About the Editors; Reviewers of this Volume; 1 Introduction; Abstract; References; 2 Defensibility Analysis with Geographical Information Systems in a Pukara in the Hualfín Valley, Argentina; Abstract; Introduction; The Late Landscape of the Hualfín Valley; Cerro Colorado of La Ciénaga de Abajo; The Central Sector and the Complex VIII; Analysis with GIS; 5.1 Accessibility Analysis; 5.2 Visibility Analysis; 5.3 In Brief; Cerro Colorado in the Regional 'Late' Context; References; 3 Photogrammetric Survey with UAV of Strategic Villages of Yocavil (Catamarca, Argentina); Abstract.
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1 Introduction2 Strategic Villages of Yocavil in the Late Period; 3 Photogrammetric Survey with UAV; 4 Results and Discussion; 4.1 Comparing DJI Phantom 1 and Phantom 4 Experiences; 4.2 Comparing Quality Options in Agisoft PhotoScan; 4.3 Vegetation Cover; 4.4 Archaeological Analysis-Ready By-Products; 5 Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 4 Chacras of the Pukara: The Late Occupation (Tenth-Sixteenth Centuries) of Mesada De Andalhuala Banda, Yocavil (Catamarca, Argentina); Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Study Area; 3 Methodology; 4 Results of Architectural Survey.
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5 Study of Surface Ceramic Material6 Test Pits and Radiocarbon Dating; 7 Discussion; 8 Final Remarks; Acknowledgements; References; 5 The Monumentalization of Dwelling Spaces in West-Central Santa María Valley During the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000-1450), Northwest Argentina; Abstract; Introduction; Settlements of the Cajón Mountain Range During the Late Intermediate Period; 2.1 Morro Del Fraile; 2.2 El Carmen 1; Movement Analysis: Circulation Patterns at Two Late Intermediate Period Villages; 3.1 Approaching the Villages; 3.2 Movement Between Structures.
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Interaction and Pottery CirculationConclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 7 New Approaches to the Chullparian Architecture and Their Spatial Location Within Pucará de Turi (Antofagasta Region, Northern Chile); Abstract; Background and Problem Statement; Methodological and Theoretical Framework; Results; Interpretation; Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 8 Interethnic Conflicts in the Highlands of Northwestern Argentina During the Late Intermediate Period: A Case Study; Abstract; Introduction; The Study Area: y's Puna; Pucaras in y's Puna.
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Visibility Analysis: Strategies of Visibility at Two Late Intermediate Period Villages4.1 Visibility of Each Village from the Santa María Valley; 4.2 Visibility from Each of the Sectors of the Villages to the Santa María Valley; Monumentalization of the Dwelling Space; Acknowledgements; References; 6 Regional Dynamics in the High Quebradas of the Valle Calchaquí Medio (Salta, Argentina) Between the Eleventh and Early Seventeenth Centuries; Abstract; Introduction; 1.1 The High Ravines in the Valle Calchaquí Medio: Environment and Archaeology; 1.2 RDP Evidences; Inka Occupation in the Area.
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This book studies the relationship between pukaras and their surrounding landscape, focusing on the architectural and settlement variability registered in both contexts. It is the outcome of a symposium held at the XIX National Congress of Argentine Archaeology (San Miguel de Tucuman, August 8-12, 2016) entitled, "Pukaras, strategic settlements and dispersed settlements: Political landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andes." Based on the topics discussed at the event, this book presents nine case studies covering a large geographic area within the Southern Andes (northwestern Argentina, northern Chile and southern Bolivia), and breaking the national barriers that tend to atomize pre-Hispanic landscapes. The respective chapters cover a wide range of themes: from architectural and settlement variability, ways to build and inhabit space, social segmentation and hierarchy; to endemic conflict, analysis of accessibility and visibility, spatiality and temporality of landscapes; as well as new dating. This book goes beyond the Late Intermediate Period (LIP) analyses from the perspective of fortified settlements and material evidence related to war, by placing the focus on how ancient political landscapes were constructed from the relation between the pukaras and other sites as part of the same territory. The methodologies used include pedestrian surveys, photogrammetric surveys with UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) or drones, topographic and architectural surveys, excavations of households, ceramic and rock art analysis, and spatial analysis with geographic information systems (GISs). Given the numerous thematic interconnections between the contributions, the Editors have organized the chapters geographically, moving from south to north: from the southern valleys of Catamarca Province in Argentina to Lipez in the southern part of the Bolivian Altiplano, passing through the Calchaqui valleys of Catamarca, the puna and Quebrada de Humahuaca of y in northwest Argentina and the Antofagasta region in northern Chile. The book provides valuable new theoretical and methodological perspectives on the study of political landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andes.