Intro; Preface; A Preliminary Intervention: Confronting Our Bad Faith; Contents; 1: The Bad Faith intheFree Market: TheNeed forExistential Freedom; Aim oftheBook; Challenging Freedom; Free Market Evangelists; An Existential Critique oftheMarket; Living ina"Post-Freedom" World; Going Forward; References; 2: Breaking Free fromtheFree Market: TheExistential Gap ofFreedom; The Growth oftheUnfree Market; Existentialism andHumanism; The Gap ofFreedom; The Present Challenge ofExistential Freedom; Breaking Free fromtheUnfree Market; The New Foundations ofFreedom; References
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3: Capitalism's Existential Crisis: Producing Existential FreedomCapitalism inCrisis; The Search foraRevolutionary Method: Existentialism andMarxism; Producing Freedom; The Existential Dialectic ofFreedom; Capitalism's Existential Crisis; The New Struggle forExistential Freedom; References; 4: The Facticities ofNeoliberalism: Demanding Existential Freedom; The Troubling Facts ofNeoliberalism; Facticities Not Facts; The Hegemony ofFreedom; Articulating Freedom; The Facticities ofNeoliberalism; Demanding Existential Freedom; References
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5: Capitalist Being andNothingness: Enjoying Existential FreedomUnfulfilling Capitalism; Being andNothingness; The Fantasy ofFreedom; Desiring Freedom; Capitalist Being andNothingness; Enjoying Existential Freedom; References; 6: Subjected totheFree Market: TheSubject ofExistential Freedom; Free Market Subjects; Objectification andExistentialism; The Subject ofFreedom; Power andFreedom; Freeing theMarket Subject; The Subject ofExistential Freedom; References; 7: Deconstructing theFree Market: TheSpectre ofExistential Freedom; Rewriting Freedom
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Creating aCollective Life ProjectThe Play ofFreedom; Perfecting Freedom; Deconstructing Market Freedom; The Spectre ofExistential Freedom; References; 8: Reinvesting inGood Faith: TheRadical Promise ofExistential Freedom; Market Reactions; Having Good Faith; A Freedom to(Not) Believe in; Reactivating Freedom; Reinvesting inOur Good Faith; The Radical Promise ofExistential Freedom; References; Index
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Innovatively combining existentialist philosophy with cutting edge post-structuralist and psychoanalytic perspectives, this book boldly reconsiders market freedom. Bloom argues that present day capitalism has robbed us of our individual and collective ability to imagine and implement alternative and more progressive economic and social systems; it has deprived us of our radical freedom to choose how we live and what we can become. Since the Great Recession, capitalism has been increasinglyblamed for rising inequality and feelings of mass social and political alienation. In place of a deeper liberty, the free market offers subjects the opportunity to continually reinvest their personal and shared hopes within its dogmatic ideology and policies. This embrace helps to temporarily alleviate growing feelings of anxiety and insecurity at the expense of our fundamental human agency. What has become abundantly clear is that the free market is anything but free. Here, Bloom exposes our present day bad faith in the free market and how we can break free from it.