6: Transosseous Tunnel: Which Arthroscopic Device?Transosseous Tunnel: Arthroscopic Devices; The Needles; Giant Needle Technique (Fleega 2002); Alter-Fit (Cicak et al. 2006); Curved Hollow Needle (Matis et al. 2006); Errors, Hazards, and Complications; Transosseous Button Technique with a Curved Steel Awl (Fox et al. 2008); TransOsteoNeedle (Tauber et al. 2008); Arthroscopic Bone Needle (Frick et al. 2010); Superelastic Transosseous Needle (STN) with Taylor Stitcher (Pellegrini et al. 2015; Chillemi et al. 2017); Guided K-Wires.
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tibial Drill Guide (Shea and Jennings 1998)ACL Guide and Soft Anchor (Aramberri-ƯGutierrez et al. 2015); Drill Guide +3 K-Wires (Kuroda et al. 2013); ArthroTunneler (Garofalo et al. 2012; Black et al. 2015; Flanagin et al. 2016); Transos Tunneler; Compasso (NCS Lab Srl, Medical Devices Factory, Italy) (Baudi et al. 2013; Chillemi and Mantovani 2017); Cortical Augmentation; Sharc-FT (NCS Lab Srl, Medical Devices Factory, Italy) (Fig. 6.28).; References; 7: Transosseous Tunnel: Which Arthroscopic Technique?; Tunnel Position; Tunnel/Suture Configuration.
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Rotator Cuff Tear: Other Structures' Involvement rotator Cuff Tear: Tendon Retraction; Rotator Cuff Tear: Muscle Atrophy; Coracoacromial and Coracohumeral Spaces; References; 4: Transosseous Rotator Cuff Repair: Rationale; Transosseous Rotator Cuff Repair: Parameters Able to Optimize the Results-From a Biomechanical Standpoint; Biology and Biomechanics: Where Is the Common Ground?; References; 5: Transosseous or Transosseous-ƯEquivalent Rotator Cuff Repair: The Difference; Transosseous (TO) Technique; Arthroscopic Transosseous- Equivalent (TOE) Technique; References.
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Tunnel AugmentationTunnel Geometry; References; 8: Sutures Configurations; Partial Tear; Transtendon Repair: Double Tunnel (Chillemi et al. 2017); Complete Tear: Small (C1 Snyder Classification); Single Tunnel; Double Tunnel (8 Shape Technique) (Chillemi et al. 2017); Single Tunnel with Augmentation; Complete Tear: Medium (C2-C3 Snyder Classification); Double Tunnel (8 Shape); Double Tunnel; Single Tunnel with Augmentation (2MC); Complete Tear: Large (C2-C3 Snyder Classification); Double Tunnel (8 Shape); Single Tunnel with Augmentation (2MC); Single Tunnel: Double Exit with Augmentation (2C).
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The book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the cutting edge arthroscopic transosseous techniques for the treatment of rotator cuff tears, which are gradually taking over from the common open surgical approach, defined as the gold standard for RCR. With the help of numerous figures, it presents step by step a novel all-arthroscopic anchorless transosseous suture technique that is less invasive and easier to perform. After discussing the etiopathogenesis, histopathology and radiological classification of rotator cuff tears, the book reviews all possible arthroscopic procedures and explores in detail suture management, describing single and double tunnel options. It also examines the complications and post-operative rehabilitation and imaging, while the closing chapter addresses the economic aspects of daily use. Intended primarily for arthroscopic surgeons interested in the field of shoulder joint repair, this exhaustive guide is also a valuable resource for residents and shoulder specialists.