Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents -- 1. Introduction; 1.1. General Topic of the Book; 1.2. Contribution and Content of This Book; References -- 2. Indicators of Product Sophistication and Factor Intensities: Measurement Matters; 2.1. Introduction; 2.2. Indicators That Are Based on Input-Output Tables; 2.3. A Critical Analysis of Product Sophistication Indicators; 2.3.1. Michaely (1984); 2.3.2. Lall et al. (2006); 2.3.3. Hausmann et al. (2007); 2.4. An Alternative Econometric Approach; 2.5. General Ways to Modify the Indicators; 2.6. Descriptive Statistics; 2.6.1. Does Sample Balancing Matter?
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2.6.2. Does the Calculation Procedure Matter?; 2.6.3. Does the Aggregation Level Matter?; 2.6.4. Does the Time Dimension Matter?; 2.6.5. Do Other Things Matter?; 2.7. Re-estimation of Hausmann et al. (2007); 2.8. Conclusion; References -- 3. Product Sophistication and Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. Potential Channels of FDI Spillovers and Their Effect on Product Sophistication; 3.3. Data and Summary Statistics; 3.3.1. Firm-Level Data: Prowess; 3.3.2. Industry Linkages: OECD Input-Output Tables; 3.3.3. Product Sophistication.
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3.3.4. Summary Statistics on Spillover Linkages and Product Sophistication in India; 3.4. The Impact of FDI Spillovers on Product Sophistication; 3.4.1. Manufacturing of Highly Sophisticated Products; 3.4.2. Extent of Product Sophistication; 3.4.3. Robustness Checks; 3.4.4. Endogeneity Concerns; 3.4.5. Comparative Statics; 3.5. Conclusion; References -- 4. Trade Patterns and Endogenous Institutions: Global Evidence; 4.1. Introduction; 4.2. Institutions and Openness; 4.2.1. Rule of Law as a Determinant of Trade; 4.2.2. Trade Patterns as Determinants of Rule of Law: The Role of Rents.
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4.3. Measuring the Rule of Law Intensity of Exports; 4.3.1. Measuring the Rule of Law Intensity of Exports at the Good and Country Levels; Calculating RoLIXi; Calculating RoLIXk; Instrumenting the Export Volume; 4.3.2. Measurement Results; 4.4. Estimation Strategies and Regression Specifications; 4.4.1. Estimation Strategies; Estimation Strategy A; Estimation Strategy B1; Estimation Strategy B2; 4.4.2. Regression Specifications; 4.5. Regression Results; 4.6. Robustness Tests; 4.7. Concluding Remarks; References.
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5. Conclusion; A. Indicators of Product Sophistication and Factor Intensities: Measurement Matters; A.1. prody: A Stata Module to Calculate Indicators of Product Sophistication and Factor Intensities; A.1.1. Installation; A.1.2. Description; A.1.3. Syntax; A.1.4. Options; A.1.5. Example; A.2. expy: A Stata Module to Calculate Aggregated Measures of Product Characteristics; A.2.1. Installation; A.2.2. Description; A.2.3. Syntax; A.2.4. Options; A.2.5. Examples; B. Trade Patterns and Endogenous Institutions: Global Evidence; References.
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"National economies are linked through flows of capital and goods. This book addresses those linkages, analyzes their benefits for economic development, and evaluates a country's opportunities to reap the best possible rewards by influencing the linkages. The book focuses on the role of product characteristics in international economics and their impact on economic development. After an introduction to the topic, it analyzes the influence of product sophistication on growth, and offers alternative means of measuring product characteristics. In turn, the book provides evidence for the impact of foreign equity on the characteristics of the products that firms produce. Moreover, it presents empirical findings that prove that the quality of a country's legal and institutional framework is influenced by said country's predisposition to trade rule-of-law-intensive goods."--
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Product Characteristics in International Economics.