Intro; Note on Archives and Archival Research; Use of Place Names; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: A Peasant Uprising on the Edge of a Triple Frontier; Bibliography; Chapter 2: Rumour and Violence: The Making of an Uprising; Propagation of the Uprising; Social Interstices; Pubs; Railways; Information Purveyors; Peddlers; Cultural Circles and Popular Banks; Newspapers; Metabolization of News; Rumour Mills; 'The Students Are Coming!'; What's in a Rumour?; Mythologizing the Better to Get a Grip on Reality; Bibliography
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1907 Romania Seen through Austro-Hungarian EyesShould the Austro-Hungarian Army Intervene?; Have They Learnt Their Lesson?; Tsarist Diplomacy; More Conservative than the Russians; Bibliography; Chapter 8: Conclusions; Plus ça Change ... ; Bibliography; Appendices; Example of a Typical Agricultural Contract in 1906 Romania; G.D. Creangă's Explanatory Note:; Romanian Agricultural Statistics; Overview of the Austro-Hungarian Diplomatic Correspondence Sent to Vienna from the Consulates in Romania; Index
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Chapter 3: Jews, Strangers and ForeignersForeigners: Can't Live with Them, Can't Live Without Them; The Status of Jews in Romania; The Economics Behind Antisemitism; Raubwirtschaft or Plunder Economy; Russian Red Herring or Once Bitten Twice Shy; Fear of Bulgarians; Peasants' Xenophobia; Shooting Oneself in the Foot; Bibliography; Chapter 4: The Peasant Question; Similar Borderlands?; Explosive Romania; Endemic Poverty; The Bane of Leaseholding; Austria-Hungary; Hungarian Borderlands; Austrian Bukovina; Tsarist Bessarabia; Cross-Border Comparison; How the Reform Was Implemented
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High-Level MismanagementShock Therapy Effect; Orphans of the State; The Feedback Loop; Hungary; Infrastructure; Policing Strategy; Reactions to the Romanian Uprising; Austria; Tsarist Bessarabia; Infrastructure; Okhrana 'Feelers' in Romania; Reactions to the Romanian Uprising; Bibliography; Chapter 6: Paper Worlds; The Hungarian Press; Romanian Newspapers in Hungary; Austrian Newspapers; Bukovinian Newspapers; Tsarist Press; Bibliography; Chapter 7: Diplomacy of the Uprising; Austro-Hungarian Diplomacy; Information Networks; Fear of Contamination
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Who Paid for the Land and What Could Be Done with ItAccess to Pasture, Forest, Water; The Nature of Land Leaseholds; How Much Land? How Many Leaseholders?; Leaseholders and Their Modus Operandi; Leaseholding Across the Triple Frontier; Hungarian versus Romanian Leasehold Systems; Jewish Question and Leaseholds in Bessarabia; Land Lease; Jewish Leaseholds; Local Initiatives; Peasant Agency Between Political Representation, Protest and Emigration; Emigration; Bibliography; Chapter 5: Eyes of the State; Romania; Infrastructure of a Fledgling State; Poor Policing; Antisemitism
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This book is a transnational study of rural and anti-Semitic violence around the triple frontier between Austria-Hungary, Romania and Tsarist Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. It focuses on the devastating Romanian peasant uprising in 1907 and traces the reverberations of the crisis across the triple frontier, analysing the fears, spectres and knee-jerk reactions it triggered in the borderlands of Austria-Hungary and Tsarist Russia. The uprising came close on the heels of the 1905-1907 social turmoil in Tsarist Russia, and brought into play the major issues that characterized social and political life in the region at the time: rural poverty, the Jewish Question, state modernization, and social upheavals. The book comparatively explores the causes and mechanisms of violence propagation, the function of rumour in the spread of the uprising, land reforms and their legal underpinnings, the policing capabilities of the borderlands around the triple frontier, as well as newspaper coverage and diplomatic reactions.
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Springer Nature
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Peasant violence and antisemitism in early twentieth-century Eastern Europe.