Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Authors; Acronyms and Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 General Introduction; 1.1 Background and Significance; 1.2 Purpose and Objectives; 1.3 Organisation of the Book; 1.4 Contribution and Value; 1.5 Summary; References; 2 Energy and Carbon Emissions in Housing; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Energy Consumption in Housing; 2.3 Energy Policy and Emissions Targets; 2.4 Trends in Housing Energy and Carbon Emissions' Research; 2.4.1 The Theoretical Framework Underpinning the Energy and Carbon Emissions in Housing.
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2.4.2 Empirical Studies on the Sociotechnical Variables Influencing Household Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions2.4.3 Energy Consumption Behaviours; 2.5 Methods of Modelling Energy and Carbon Emissions in Housing; 2.5.1 Epistemology of Modelling ApproachesMethods of Modelling Carbon Emissions in Housing; 2.5.2 Modelling Housing Energy and Carbon Emissions Using the Top-Down Approach; 2.5.3 Modelling Housing Energy and Carbon Emissions Using the Bottom-Up Approach; 2.5.4 Benefits and Limitations of the Top-Down and Bottom-Up Modelling Approaches.
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2.6 Extant Energy and Carbon Emissions Models Within the UK Housing Sector2.6.1 The Building Research Establishment's Housing Model for Energy Studies; 2.6.2 The Johnston Model; 2.6.3 The UK Domestic Carbon Model; 2.6.4 The Domestic Energy and Carbon Model; 2.6.5 The Community Domestic Energy Model; 2.6.6 The Cambridge Housing Model; 2.6.7 The Domestic Dwelling Model; 2.7 Critique of the Modelling Methods; 2.8 Summary; References; 3 The Sociotechnical Systems of Energy and Carbon Emissions in Housing; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Systems Method of Scientific Inquiry.
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3.2.1 Rationale Behind the Systems-Based Approach to Scientific Inquiry3.2.2 Historical Background of the Systems-Based Approach; 3.2.3 Components and Characteristics of Systems-Based Approach; 3.2.4 Types of Systems; 3.3 The Sociotechnical Systems Theory; 3.3.1 Basic Concepts of Sociotechnical Systems Theory; 3.3.2 Domain of Application of Sociotechnical Systems; 3.4 Methods of Modelling the Sociotechnical Systems; 3.5 Critique of the Methods; 3.5.1 Actor-Network Theory; 3.5.2 Agent-Based Modelling; 3.5.3 Bayesian Belief Networks; 3.5.4 Configuration Modelling; 3.5.5 Fuzzy Logic.
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3.5.6 Morphological Analysis3.5.7 Social Network Analysis; 3.5.8 System Dynamics; 3.5.9 Conclusion from the STS Modelling Techniques for the Research; 3.6 Summary; References; 4 The System Dynamics Modelling Method; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Historical Overview of the System Dynamics Approach; 4.3 Theoretical and Philosophical Underpinnings of the System Dynamics Method; 4.4 System Dynamics as a Multidisciplinary Modelling Approach; 4.5 Procedures for Using the System Dynamics Method; 4.5.1 Stage 1: Problem Identification and Definition; 4.5.2 Stage 2: System Conceptualisation.
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This book describes the development of a system dynamics-based model that can capture the future trajectories of housing energy and carbon emissions. It approaches energy and carbon emissions in the housing sector as a complex socio-technical problem involving the analysis of intrinsic interrelationships among dwellings, occupants and the environment. Based on an examination of the UK housing sector but with relevance worldwide, the book demonstrates how the systems dynamics simulation can be used as a learning laboratory regarding future trends in housing energy and carbon emissions. The authors employ a pragmatic research strategy, involving the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data to develop a model. The book enriches readers' understanding of the complexity involved in housing energy and carbon emissions from a systems-thinking perspective. As such, it will be of interest to researchers in the fields of architectural engineering, housing studies and climate change, while also appealing to industry practitioners and policymakers specializing in housing energy.
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Springer Nature
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Simulation-based analysis of energy and carbon emissions in the housing sector.