Intro; Preface; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Part I: Introduction; 1: Introduction to Public Health Economics; Why Do We Need Economics in Public Health?; What Makes Public Health Different from the Production of Televisions?; What is Public Health Economics?; The Real World; References; Additional Reading; Part II: Data; 2: Observational Data; The Rise of Big Data; Cons of Panel Data; Data Linkage; References and Further Reading; 3: Missing Data and Sample Attrition; Missing at Random or Missing at Non-Random; Sample Attrition; Our Example; Sample Attrition; Multiple Imputation; Pros and Cons of MI vs IPW for Public Health ResearchReferences and Further Reading; Part III: Policy Evaluation; 4: Correlations versus Causation; Correlations; Understanding Correlation Coefficients; Strength of the Correlation; Example; Estimating Correlation Coefficients; Correlation Analysis in Economic Evaluation of Public Health Policy; Weaknesses of Correlation Analysis; Causal Relationships; How to Estimate a Causal Relationship; Basic Econometric Tools for Estimating a Causal Relationship; How Do You Know If You Have Found a Good Instrument?; Interpreting IV Estimates; 6: Cross-Country ComparisonsHow to Conduct Cross-Country Analysis; Identifying Data Sources; Analysis Method; The Example; Propensity Score Matching in Cross-Country Analysis; When to Use PSM; Matching; How to Implement in Practice; Some Extensions; Interpretation of Coefficients; A Further Example; Data; Constructing Treated and Non-Treated Groups; Other Methods for Estimating Cross-Country Differences; References and Further Reading; 7: A Practitioner's Guide; Define Your Research Question; Identify an Appropriate Dataset; Estimate a Simple Regression Model; Identify the Most Important Type of Bias that may be Impacting on your Simple Coefficient Estimates and Choose an Appropriate ModelCompare Coefficients Between Chosen Model and Base Model; References and Further Reading; Index.
Text of Note
Non-communicable diseases have surpassed infectious diseases as the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Prevention and treatment of the causes and consequences of lifestyle-related diseases forms an important part of health policy in the twenty-first century. Public health economics - from quantifying the problem, to evaluating interventions and developing toolkits to assist decision makers - is an essential area for any postgraduate student and researcher with an interest in applied economics to understand. There are a wide range of techniques from mainstream economics and health economics that can be applied to the evaluation of public health policy and public health issues. In this book, Brown presents examples from developed countries to illustrate how economic tools can be applied to public health. Further, cross-country comparisons illustrate how contextual factors related to healthcare systems, demographics and environmental factors may impact on outcomes and the cost-effectiveness of public health policies, in order to aid understanding and help students apply theory into practice.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Springer Nature
Stock Number
Economics of public health.
International Standard Book Number
Public health-- Economic aspects.
Delivery of Health Care-- economics.
Economics, Medical.
Models, Econometric.
Public Health-- economics.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Social Security.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Social Services & Welfare.