Intro; Foreword; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Appendices; List of Contributors; About the Authors; Endorsements; Part I: Introduction; Chapter 1: The Changing Nature of Global Marketing: A New Perspective; Introduction; Emerging Trends in Global Marketing; Organization of the Book; Conclusion; References; Part II: Emerging Trends in Global Markets; Chapter 2: A Thematic Exploration of the Changing Trends in Political Risk and Global Marketing Scholarship in the Last Three Decades (1986-2015): Implications and Future Research; Introduction.
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Cross-National Versus Cross-Cultural ModelsModerating Effects in Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Analysis; Individualism/Collectivism; Uncertainty Avoidance; Methodology; Results and Analysis; Modeling of Service Quality; Measurement Model; CMV and Measurement Equivalence Test; Reliability and Validity; Discussion and Implications; Cross-National Research; Cross-Cultural Research; Individualism/Collectivism as Moderator; Uncertainty Avoidance as Moderator; Contributions and Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: Cross-Border E-Commerce: A New Driver of Global Trade; Introduction.
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Literature ReviewConceptual Framework for CBEC; China's Cross-Border E-Commerce: An Overview; Current Picture, Structure, Shopping Channels, and Import Models; Infrastructure and Environment of China's CBEC; Promoting Cross-Border E-Commerce: China's Experience; and Key CBEC Players; Ten Pilot Cities on CBEC; Favorable CBEC Policies; Venture Capital Inflows; Government Intervention Missteps; Cross-Border E-commerce: Opportunities and Challenges; Opportunities; Opportunities for Merchants; Opportunities for Governments; Opportunities for Third-Party Providers.
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Research Trends in ICRG Political Risk in Global Marketing Scholarship in 1986-2015Research on BRICS and MINT in 1986-2015; Content Analysis of Research Trends in 1986-2015; Section 3: Political Risk and Global Marketing -- Implications and Future Research; References; Chapter 3: Does Country or Culture Matter in Global Marketing? An Empirical Investigation of Service Quality and Satisfaction Model with Moderators in Three Countries; Introduction; Conceptual Background; Service Quality and Satisfaction; Cultural Values; Culture, Service Quality, and Satisfaction; Hypotheses Development.
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Section 1: Country, Cluster and Global-Level Trends in Political Risk in 1986-2015Data and Methodology; Country-Level Political Risk Trend: An Illustrative Example; EFA for Russia in 2001-2005; EFA-Based Index for Russia in 2001-2005; Cluster-Level Political Risk Trends: BRICS and MINT; Global-Level Political Risk Trends: Geographic Map; Section 2: Research Trends in Global Marketing and Political Risk in 1986-2015; Data and Methodology; Automated Content Analysis Approach; Dictionary Approach; Research Trends in Global Marketing in 1986-2015.
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This book examines emerging theories, frameworks, and applications of global marketing for the 21st century. It highlights how global marketing is changing in a globalized and digital economy that is fast increasing in complexity and uncertainty. The traditional approach to global marketing is no longer sufficient to address the emerging issues in global markets. Global companies need to challenge traditional assumptions in global marketing in an era of shifting political, cultural, economic, and technological changes. They need to take a fresh look at the contemporary threats and opportunities in markets, institutions, and technology and how they affect entry and expansion strategies through careful re-calibration of the marketing-mix. This book offers new insights for global marketing that addresses these issues. This book should be an ideal resource to both academic scholars and reflective practitioners globally such as CEOs and chief marketing officers as well as government officials and policy makers interested in formulating strategies/policies for global marketing activities in the face of a globalized and digitized economy. This well-crafted research volume is an excellent addition to the growing literature on new trends in international marketing. The authors present the latest insight on the impact of phenomena such as cross-border e-commerce and digital markets, and they discuss new tools for political risk assessment, international branding and more broadly the reconfiguring of marketing-mix strategies - A powerful reminder that the new global market remains a rugged landscape. - Alain Verbeke, McCaig Research Chair in Management and Editor-in-Chief Journal of International Business Studies, University of Calgary, Canada. Emerging trends in institutions, markets, and societies, along with new technological advances, are redefining the scope and strategy in global marketing. Professors Agarwal and Wu have assembled a remarkable collection of cutting-edge topics and issues that capture the shifting paradigm and contemporary developments in the global marketing field. This is an informative and timely resource that makes a valuable contribution, useful for both scholars and business practitioners of global marketing. - Constantine S. Katsikeas, Arnold Ziff Endowed Research Chair in Marketing & International Management, Editor-in-Chief Journal of International Marketing, University of Leeds, UK. This book presents new and cutting-edge thinking at a time when the traditional views of international marketing need to be scrapped. Convergence forces are creating new opportunities as well as threats on a daily basis, and marketing practitioners as well as scholars must be forewarned as well as forearmed on how to deal with these changes. The real growth is coming from the emerging nations, and the theories that provided sufficient insights ten years ago have been completely outmoded by the ever-accelerating rate of innovation and technological change as well as the pressures to address the needs of all of the firm's relevant stakeholders. The strategic insights provided here are absolutely invaluable. Don't miss an opportunity to read this book!! - John B. Ford, Professor of Marketing & International Business, Eminent Scholar & Haislip-Rohrer Fellow, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Advertising Research, Old Dominion University, USA.