Intro; Foreword; This Girl Who Likes Boys: A Personal History; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Welcome to the Freak Show; Women Watching Pornography; Women Watching m/m Pornography; Women and Slash; Women and Boys' Love Manga; 'Good, Old-Fashioned Girl-on-Girl Action': Men and f/f Porn; Asking Women What They Like and Why They Like It; Bad Girls: A Brief History of Researching Women Who Like m/m SEM; Crazy Fangirls; Camille Bacon-Smith and the 'Fat Virgin' Hypothesis; Psychosexual Quirks; SurveyFail; Reprise: Asking Women What They Like and Why They Like It
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Be Your Own Hero: Reading as a Man'I Always Knew I Was Different ... ': Tomboys and Girlfags; Create Your Own Hero: Writing as a Man; 'Men with Heart Boners': The Perils of Writing Sex Across Genders; References; 5: 'Sometimes It's Hard to Be a Woman'; 'It's Hard to Miss a Hard-On': The Authenticity of Male Desire; Avoiding the Sexual Minefield; The Eroticising Equality of Sex Between Men; Eroticising Equality: Does It Really Exist?; Jobs for the Boys: Equality, Labour, and the Radical Re-tooling of the Male Body; No Girls Allowed: M/M SEM and the Evacuation of the Female Body
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'Everyone Loves a Good Bromance': Privileged Male Friendship and Homosocial DesireLady Poachers in the Lord's Manor; Brownian Motion: Slash and the Politics of Resistance; Slash as Ethical, Feminist Pornography; References; 4: 'Don't You Know that It's Different for Girls'; Naughty or Nice? Women and the Porn vs. Erotica Debate; Porn by any Other Name: Differences in Semantics; Boys Wank, Girls Sigh: Differences in Affective Response; ... Is Good for the Gander? Differences in Intended Audience; The Thinking Woman's Porn: Differences in Plot and Characterisation
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'Up Yours, Boys!' The Notion of Payback in M/M SEM'It Doesn't Trigger Me': M/M Porn and Histories of Abuse; References; 6: ' ... Always Should Be Someone You Really Love'; A Brief History of Love: Slashing the Romance Narrative; Emoporny: Reframing the Romance; Do You Remember the First Time? 'Falling in Love' with m/m; Everyone Likes Happy Endings: The Demisexual Pornotopia; Bring Me a Higher Love: The Triumph of Gender-Indifference; References; 7: 'It's a Mixed Up, Muddled Up, Shook Up World'; Going with the Flow: Women's Sexual Fluidity and m/m SEM
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What About the Women Who Didn't Take Part?Who's That Girl? Respondent Demographics; m/m SEM Viewers; m/m SEM Readers; References; 2: Boys on Film; 'What's Funnier than Looking at a Soft Male Penis?': Male Nudity as Comic; 'Women Want Eye Candy Too': The Male as Erotic Object; Peeping Tomboys: Women as Voyeurs; A Gaze of One's Own?: Male Bodies and the Genderless Gaze; 'What's Good for the Goose ... ': Equality and the Pleasures of Being Gazed at; Opening the Toy Box; References; 3: The Joy of Slash; 'Dead Girlfriend of the Week': The Absence of Strong Female Characters in Mainstream Media
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This book investigates what women enjoy about consuming, and in some cases producing, gay male erotic media-from slashfic, to pornographic texts, to visual pornography-and how this sits within their consumption of erotica and pornography more generally. In addition, it will examine how women's use of gay male erotic media fits in with their perceptions of gender and sexuality. By drawing on a piece of wide-scale mixed methods research that examines these motivations, an original and important volume is presented that serves to explore and contribute to this under-researched area.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Springer Nature
Stock Number
Girls who like boys who like boys.
International Standard Book Number
Gender identity.
Women-- Sexual behavior.
Gender identity.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.