Adam I. Rubin, Nathaniel J. Jellinek, C. Ralph Daniel III, Richard K. Scher, editors.
Edition Statement
Fourth edition.
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1 online resource
Text of Note
Includes index.
Text of Note
SECTION ONE -- SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS- Nail Signs and Symptoms -- SECTION TWO -- THE NORMAL NAIL- Historic Aspects of Nail Disease -- Structure and Function of the Nail Unit -- SECTION THREE -- DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES -- An Approach to Initial Examination of the Nail -- Subungual Exostosis, Nail Disease and Radiologic Considerations -- Histopathology -- SECTION FOUR -- THE ABNORMAL NAIL- Pigmentation Abnormalities -- Brittle Nails -- Simple Onycholysis -- Simple Chronic Paronychia -- Dermatological Diseases -- Onychomycosis -- Podiatric Approach to Onychomycosis -- Nonfungal Infections and Acute Paronychia -- Nails in Systemic Disease -- Systemic Drugs -- Tumors of the Nail Apparatus -- Occupational Nail Disorders -- Disorders of the Nail Unit due to Podiatric Biomechanical Considerations -- Nail Cosmetics: The Benefits and Pitfalls -- Pediatric Diseases -- Nails In Older Individuals -- SECTION FIVE -- THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES -- Basic and Advanced Nail Surgery (Part 1: Principles and Techniques) -- Basic and Advanced Nail Surgery (Part 2: Indications and Complications) -- Glossary.
Text of Note
This thoroughly updated 4th Edition of this highly regarded text continues to provide the latest therapeutic and surgical information on nail disease and disorders. It expands and updates all areas of onychology, including the newest in diagnostic techniques for nail diseases, a segment of dermatology that not only proves more difficult than cutaneous disorders but also is an exciting and innovative area on the frontier of skin research. Scher and Daniel's Nails: Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy provides an update of therapeutic advances to help the resident, practitioner, and related healthcare provider (podiatrist, nurse, primary care physician, and all involved in nail care). A major section is devoted to nail surgery and nail pathology, both of which have been behind compared to other aspects of dermatology. There is also extensive information on the billion dollar nail cosmetics industry, which will bring this text to the attention of all nail technicians (several hundred thousand in the US alone) as well as to cosmeticians and manufacturers.