Intro; Preface; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction: Devout Outlaws; The Bigger Issue; Gender and Religious Roles Today; Works Cited; Part I: Pushing the Boundaries of Gender; Chapter 2: The New Normal; Not Quite Nuns; Violence and Its Aftermath; A Knock on the Door in the Night; How Far Could the Boundaries of Gender Be Pushed?; Broke Catholic Men and the New Normal; A Man and His Sword; The Protestant Ascendency; A New Dynasty and a New Struggle for Catholic Emancipation; Back to the Puzzle; Works Cited; Chapter 3: Disobedient Women; The Lying Daughter
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Keeping Peter's Ship Afloat: The Doctrine of Apostolic SuccessionApostolic Viragoes and Galloping Nuns; If Mary Ward Had Been a Man; Leading the Flock in a Different Direction; So What Happened Next?; Works Cited; Index
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Misunderstood: The Story of a Disobedient Nun and Her "Meddling" SuperiorsThe Chattering Hussy and Galloping Girl; Bold Humility; Works Cited; Chapter 4: Wodehouse's Choice; How to Be a Man; Carrots and Sticks; Deception, Disguise, and Dissimulation; Second-Class Subjects; Works Cited; Chapter 5: Amending the Marriage Contract; Tracking the Way to the Harlot's House; 'Til Death Do Us Part; Irreconcilable Differences?; "The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself"; Works Cited; Part II: Pushing the Boundaries of Religion; Chapter 6: The "Good Catholic"; Ritual Under Siege
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Soldiers of Christ in a Holy WarBattling Priests, Monks, and Nuns; Patient Warriors; How to Fight the Good Fight; Works Cited; Chapter 7: Sharing the Job: Cooperation Between the Priesthood and Laity; Priest Shopping; Ministering to One Another; Administering the Sacraments; Overcoming Eve; Offering One's Self at Mass; Offering Christ at Mass; Offerings for One's Own Salvation and Others'; Renegotiating the Bounds of Priestly Authority; Works Cited; Chapter 8: Where the Catholic Church Draws the Line: Mary Ward vs. the Catholic Priesthood
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This book explores changing gender and religious roles for Catholic men and women in the British Isles from Henry VIII's break with the Catholic Church in 1534 to full emancipation in 1829. Filled with richly detailed stories, such as the suppression of Mary Ward's Institute of English Ladies, it explores how Catholics created and tested new understandings of women's and men's roles in family life, ritual, religious leadership, and vocation through engaging personal narratives, letters, trial records, and other rich primary sources. Using an intersectional approach, it crafts a compelling narrative of three centuries of religious and social experimentation, adaptation, and change as traditional religious and gender norms became flexible during a period of crisis. The conclusions shed new light on the Catholic Church's long-term, ongoing process of balancing gendered and religious authority during this period while offering insights into the debates on those topics taking place worldwide today.