Intro; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1 Changing Context, New Debate; 2 Non-Nuclear Peace and Scholarly Responsibility; 3 The Structure of the Book; 4 A Word of Thanks; References; Part I Criticism of Nuclear Deterrence and Proliferation: Old and New; Chapter 2 Conceptions of the Bomb in the Early Nuclear Age; 1 The Bomb and the Politics of Knowledge; 2 Battlefields; 2.1 The Moral Question; 2.2 The Question of Use; 2.3 The Question of Stability; 2.4 The Nature of the Question; 3 Conclusion; References
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1 Introduction2 Building Bridges; 3 TPNW at the NPT PrepComs Thus Far; 4 TPNW's Entry into Force; 5 Conclusion; References; Part III Sustaining Non-Nuclear Peace: Government or Governance in the Longer Term; Chapter 8 What Are the Institutional Preconditions for a Stable Non-Nuclear Peace?; 1 Introduction: Nuclear Disarmament Needs Institutions; 2 The Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty: Necessary, but Insufficient; 3 Institutions to Maintain Non-Nuclear Peace; 3.1 Physical World Institutions; 3.1.1 Minimizing the Possibility for Nuclear Rearmament
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2.1 Implicit Mentions in the NPT2.2 The Struggle for an Explicit Mention in the NPT; 2.3 Vertical Proliferation in the NPT Review Process and Beyond; 3 Practice: US Nuclear Weapons Modernization and Stockpile Renewal; 3.1 Routine Check-Up or New Capabilities?; 3.2 Disarmament-Supporting Modernization; 3.3 Relation Between Arms Control Agreements and Modernization; 3.3.1 CTBT; 3.3.2 New START; 4 An Unexploited Spectrum; References; Part II On the Road to Non-Nuclear Peace: From Ridicule to Stigmatizing via Prohibition
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Chapter 3 Nuclear Weapons: Peaceful, Dangerous, or Irrelevant?1 The Persistence of the Nuclear Weapons Paradigm; 2 Nuclear Weapons: Different but the Same; 3 The Temporal Contexts of Nuclear Weapons and Their Doctrines; 4 The Non-proliferation and Disarmament Paradigm; 5 The Rise of Arms Control; 6 Nuclear Weapons Risks; 7 New Risks, New Responses; References; Chapter 4 Vertical Proliferation in Light of the Disarmament Commitment; 1 Conceptualizing the Relation Between Vertical Proliferation and Disarmament; 2 Legal Perspective on Nuclear Vertical Proliferation
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Chapter 5 Stigmatization by Ridicule: From Dr. Strangelove to Donald Trump1 Introduction; 2 Banning Nuclear Weapons: The Importance of Ridicule; 3 Is Nuclear Deterrence Ridiculous? Academic Groundwork; 4 Ridiculing the Bomb? Model Examples; 5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 6 The Humanitarian Initiative: A Critical Appreciation; 1 Two Views of the Morality of Nuclear Weapons; 2 Assessing the Ban Treaty; 3 Criticisms and Shortcomings; 4 Risks of the Ban Treaty; 5 Impact of the Ban Treaty; 6 Conclusion; References; Chapter 7 Nuclear Ban Treaty: Sand or Grease for the NPT?