Intro; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Contents; Editor and Contributors; Conceptualising Innovative Career Counselling; Life Design: A Paradigm for Innovating Career Counselling in Global Context; Introduction; Chapter Structure; Globalization and Career Counselling; Innovating Career Counselling: Three Truths; Career Counselling Innovates by Globalizing; Career Counselling Innovates Through a Paradigm Shift; Career Counselling Innovates Through Research and Practice Advances; Conclusion; References; A Contextual Action Theory of Career; Issues Pertinent to Career Theory; Career; Theory
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Complexity and ContextMeaning; Prospection; Contextual Action Theory of Career; Research Applications; Counselling Applications; Conclusion; References; Life-Design Counselling from an Innovative Career Counselling Perspective; Introduction; Chapter Structure; Chapter Goals; Innovation and Career counselling; Career Counselling as an Innovative Storied Perspective; LDC in Search of Promoting Sustainable Employability; Life-Design Counselling and Employability; Life-Design Counselling and Achievement of Decent Work Goals
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Goal Facilitation as Career Counselling FrameworkMethod; Participants; Measuring Instruments; Procedure; Considerations of Ethics; Statistical Analysis; Results; Measurement Model Validity; Descriptive Statistics and Bi-Variate Correlations; Testing Main and Interaction Effects; Testing Conditional Direct and Indirect Effects: Age (Life Stage) as Boundary Condition; Discussion; Implications for Career Counselling Theory and Intervention; Chapter Summary and Conclusion; References; Innovative Utilization of the Discrimination Model for Career-focused Counselling Supervision; Introduction
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Looking into the Crystal Ball: Some Thoughts on the Fourth Major Paradigm in Career CounsellingConclusion; References; Sustainable Careers, Vulnerability, and Well-Being: Towards an Integrative Approach; Chapter Structure; Career Development in a Changing World of Work; Characteristics and Trends of the Modern Labor Market; Precarization or Dualization?; Socio-Economic Transformations and Lack of Job Security; Pluralization of Career Paths; Implications of the Changing Labor Market for Individual Career Development; Contextual Antecedents and Personal Resources in Occupational Vulnerabilities
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Understanding the Role of Contextual FactorsHuman Agency and Personal Resources in Sustainable Career Development; An Integrative Model for Sustainable Careers; Implications; Conclusion; References; Goal Facilitation Theory as Counselling Framework for Enhancing Employees' Career Adaptability and Thriving at Work; Theoretical Premise of Goal Facilitation Theory: Dynamics of Organisational Career Instrumentality, Career Adaptability and Thriving at Work; Organisational Instrumentality Toward Career Goal Achievement; Career Adaptability; Thriving at Work; Life Stage as Boundary Condition
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This book examines a topic widely regarded as the most pressing in career counselling today, i.e., how to ensure that everyone receives career counselling and that all workers have the opportunity to engage in sustainable, decent work. The author holds that career counselling should not only advance workers self- and career construction, helping them design successful career-lives and make social contributions, and live purposeful lives - it should also expound new theoretical approaches and interventions. Furthermore, the book criticizes global society for overlooking the basic needs of many workers, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. An important feature of the book is its emphasis on promoting a creative and innovative approach to career counselling so as to better answer contemporary career-related questions. It offers guidance on how to advance entrepreneurship and help workers develop critical thinking, curiosity, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills. In this way the book promotes innovation in career counselling and maps the way forward in a theoretical and practical manner that helps clients 'flourish rather than merely 'survive in turbulent times impacted by the fourth wave in psychology, career counselling, the economy, as well as the 4th industrial revolution (Work 4.0).